
ACRI+ Advancing Climate Risk Insurance plus
The overall aim of the project is to increase resilience to extreme weather events by devising on an integrated climate risk management approach that includes insurance. The ACRI+ project worked to collect the experiences and best practices from different organizations across the globe and promote these findings at international conferences and workshops, as well as on their online database “Climate Insurance”.
Roadmap for Integrated Climate Risk Management: Climate Risk in  Barbados’ Renewable Energy Sector
This roadmap is developed from work undertaken on ICRM through the “Advancing Climate Risk Insurance plus” (ACRI+) proejct implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII). In Barbados, the ACRI+ project is working with stakeholders to improve the resilience of existing and future renewable energy generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure to climate and disaster risks.
Finance & Insurance Toolkit for the Renewable Energy Sector in Barbados
ACRI+’s objective is to enhance local climate and disaster risk practices, therewith integrating residual risk into the disaster risk management cycle of prevention, preparation, response, and recover practices. ACRI+ operates in three countries with varying climate risks. In Barbados, ACRI+ supports local authorities with their envisioned renewable energy transition and aims to improve the resilience of existing and future renewable energy generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure towards extreme weather events. The Barbados Renewable Energy Association (BREA) is the local
ACRI+ Advancing Climate Risk  Insurance for Renewable  Energy in Barbados
The core objective is of the project is to develop a roadmap (adopting an ICRM approach) to ensure that the existing and future energy generation, transmission, and distribution infrastructure is climate and disaster resilient.