Mercy Corps

Publication: Ensuring Impact
The Centre for Disaster Protection works with developing countries to find better ways to manage the risks of disasters and to deliver earlier, more cost-effective support for people when disasters occur. One element of the Centre’s work is influencing global policy on financing responses to disasters. This series of papers was commissioned to provide analysis, ideas and recommendations for the upcoming nineteenth replenishment of the International Development Association.
ZFU Ecofarmer Combo A partnership between Mercy Corps, EcoFarmer (Econet), and the Zimbabwe Farmers Union
The core objective of the project is to develop and rollout mobile based bundled financial and advisory services. This project supports and engages with the public and private partners to develop services that are both economically viable and meet the demands of smallholder farmers in order to provide them with relevant, timely, high-quality information and services which will improve their agricultural productivity and increase their income.
Microinsurance Catastrophe Risk Organisation (MiCRO ) Alliance on Natural Hazard Risk Transfer Solutions
The core objective of the project is to design, implement and evaluate sustainable and holistic risk management solutions that increase resilience against natural disasters for vulnerable, low-income populations, and to enable and secure access to reinsurance to support the expansion of such solutions.