The Present and Future of Inclusive Insurance

The Present and Future of Inclusive Insurance

Thursday, July 9, 2015

12:30 – 01:30 PM, F-5P 100

What happens when a major national development organization – GIZ and a leading private insurer – Allianz SE get together to build innovation in micro-insurance?

Experts will present key insights on micro-insurance with a larger view on how these lessons learnt can be applied to other inclusive insurance projects and to various other sectors.

The 60 minute session will showcase case-studies ranging from how GIZ has assisted Allianz in turning a corporate responsibility charitable micro-insurance story into a fully-fledged and profitable micro-insurance business operation to how The World Bank Group’s is working to transform the field of Innovative Insurance.

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The event will be followed by the opening of an exhibition showcasing what happens when journalists photo-document the biographies of Allianz micro-insurance customers.  The “Microinsurance Life Stories” exhibition will remain on display at the IFC Atrium until July 10. For more information, please contact: Kaavya Ashok Krishna (

Invitation-only Findex Event

The BBL will be followed up by an invitation-only meeting with the World Bank’s FINDEX team. The 2 hour long session will focus on how your organization can get involved and support the inclusion of micro-insurance into the 2017 FINDEX  round. For more information please contact Solveig Wanczeck, (