What is macro-level, meso-level and micro-level index-insurance?

Index insurance can cover risks at experienced at various levels.

Micro-level index insurance covers individuals and has been implemented in countries like Senegal and Haiti.

Meso level index insurance covers “risk aggregators” such as banks, microfinance institutions, agribusinesses or national export companies and has been promoted in countries like Dominican Republic with the National Federation of Cocoa Growers. (See partner projects Kilimo Salama/Syngenta. MicroEnsure, Guy Carpenter.) Most GIIF private sector implementing partners are now providing index insurance at the meso (portfolio)-level.

Macro-level index insurance covers contingent liabilities that the Government might face in case of a disaster or a weather-related event, and has been promoted in countries like Uruguay to protect the Federal and/or Provincial budgets in years of catastrophe.