Welcome to the "Climate Insurance" database, a joint project between the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII), and the German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ), commissioned by the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety. This database shares the experiences of numerous international organizations in the field of risk transfer and insurance solutions to climate risk management. Its main objective is to share best practices and innovative solutions to contribute to successful and sustainable climate risk insurance projects in climate-vulnerable countries.
On this database, users can find factsheets, InFocus, videos, and reports which they can filter by type, topic, country, region, or organization. The factsheets show the experiences of international organizations with relevant projects on climate risk insurance to identify lessons-learned, challenges, best practices and innovative solutions. The InFocus identifies and focuses on one technical topic within a climate risk insurance project and pinpoints the barriers, necessary steps, remedial actions, and overall recommendations. The videos and reports give more in-depth information on specific aspects of climate risk insurance.
If you are interested in sharing your knowledge on the Climate Insurance database, please contact mcii@ehs.unu.edu.
** What are factsheets and InFocus documents in this section?