Lessons learned and Guidance Notes on Zambia - the Adoption, Perception, and Understanding of Agricultural Index Insurance

Lessons learned and Guidance Notes on Zambia - the Adoption, Perception, and Understanding of Agricultural Index Insurance

IFC’s Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) and the Wageningen University & Research (WuR) will brief participants on a recently completed review of GIIF’s engagement in Zambia, to understand farmers’ knowledge, perception, and utilization of insurance as well as satisfaction of GIIF’s supported activities in the country. The goal is to review the lessons learned and to receive guidance towards the implementation of GIIF’s future activities in the country, as well as to have an overall understanding of ways to better develop and improve products and services as part of the Facility’s pipeline. The content of this session will capture the Program’s current status, the progress it has made in Zambia, the lessons learned over the years under implementation and guidance notes for its next steps. 

In this review exercise, the independent research team, WuR, carried out a farmer survey and interviewed a select group of stakeholders from farmer organizations, insurance companies, brokers, distributors, data providers and regulators. The outcomes and insights of this in-dept analysis held in Zambia will be shared in a 90-minute session, designed as an interactive discussion followed by a Q & A where questions from the attendees, and some deep insights will be discussed. 


Fatou Assah, GIIF Program Manager.

Sharon Adhiambo, GIIF Financial Sector Specialist.

Madalo Minofu, IFC Country Representative.

Reinhard Palm, Interim Head of Division for Climate Policy, BMZ.

Cor WattelResearcher, Smallholder Finance, Rural Economy and Evaluation. Wageningen Economic Research.

Stephen TemboChief Executive Officer, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. RuralNet Associates Development Consultants.


Mweene Monga, Manager Business Development. Mayfair Insurance