Financing Climate Resilience for Malawi’s Smallholder Farmers

In the face of Cyclone Freddy's destructive aftermath, Jeya Nsinda, a resilient Malawian farmer and mother of three, triumphed over adversity with the invaluable support of climate insurance provided by One Acre Fund. The collaboration between IFC and One Acre Fund is a commendable effort aimed at extending this crucial financial safety net to 1.5 million smallholder farmers, mirroring Jeya's experience, across six African countries by 2025.

This initiative is a pivotal component of IFC's Africa Inclusive Insurance Program, which delivers advisory services to various entities, including insurance companies, microfinance institutions, fintechs, insuretechs, and regulators. The program's overarching goal is to create and distribute tailor-made inclusive insurance products, fostering resilience among smallholder farmers in the face of climate-related risks.

Read the full story written by Sameera Hassan, and watch the interview with Jeya Nsinda HERE