Last year, GIIF Program Manager Fatou Assah attended the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture's International Conference 2018 in Basel. In this interview, she talks about the roles of the public and private sector that need to move in sync to deliver integrated solutions to protect smallholder farmers from disaster risks. To view more videos from this series please click here.
In December 2017, participants from various African Francophone nations attended a regional workshop held in Saly, Senegal, to learn about index insurance fundamentals and risk transfer process as well as to discuss and apply the use of agro-climactic data to the design of index insurance products. GIIF staff and participants discuss the importance of capacity training on index insurance in this video.
Supported by the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) works with Green Delta Insurance to design and retail weather index insurance products that protect smallholder farmers and agribusinesses from climate risks. Access to finance provides a means for the farmers to sustain income and food security.
As part of Devex’s Going for Goals series, GIIF Program Manager Fatou Assah discusses how satellite data help smallholder farmers gain access to insurance. The "Going for Goals" series explores "innovative financing mechanisms, asking how cross-sector collaboration can lead to improved outcomes, and discussing what it takes to build successful partnerships for change." in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. "We use satellite data to forecast if, for example, grass will grow enough for the cattle. And then we can tell herders, 'Do not move to that area because there won't be any feed,'
On June 29, 2017, Finance & Market's Global Index Insurance Facility of the World Bank Group had an official book launch of Risk Modeling for Appraising Named Peril Index Insurance Products. The groundbreaking publication on modeling index insurance products is a practical guide for the insurance practitioners to design and develop better index insurance in order to ultimately provide protection to more low-income customers, including smallholder farmers in developing countries. The session, moderated by Samuel Munzele Maimbo, Practice Manager in WBG's Finance & Markets, had the following
On June 29, 2017, Finance & Market's Global Index Insurance Facility of the World Bank Group had an official book launch of Risk Modeling for Appraising Named Peril Index Insurance Products. The groundbreaking publication on modeling index insurance products is a practical guide for the insurance practitioners to design and develop better index insurance in order to ultimately provide protection to more low-income customers, including smallholder farmers in developing countries. In this video, authors Mr. Shadreck Mapfumo, Senior Financial Specialist in the World Bank Group, and Dr. Huybert
Ms. Fatou Assah (left), Program Manager of the WBG's Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), and Mr. Antoine Bavadi (middle), Financial Sector Specialist from the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (DRFI) Program, spoke at the 41st General Assembly of FANAF (African Federation of Insurance Companies for African national law) on February 14. 2017 in Marrakech. Both World Bank experts were sharing their international experiences with index insurance and catastrophic risk financing as risk management tools to protect communities from natural disasters and environmental hazards. The panel
Supported by the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has been working with PT Reasuransi MAIPARK (national reinsurer of all special risks) to design and retail an index insurance product that protects the lending portfolios of banks from liquidity crises in the aftermath of an earthquake. This is relevant particularly for microfinance institutions (MFIs) and rural banks to be able to continue lending to communities when funds are most needed. Bahasa Indonesia version is also available here. Klik di sini untuk v ersi Bahasa Indonesia.
Gloria Grandolini, Senior Director, Finance & Markets Global Practice, World Bank Group attended the 43rd General Assembly in Rome. In this interview, Gloria discusses the opportunities and challenges around disaster risk modelling as well as public-private partnership opportunities for insurance.