How To Dodge A Drought Zambia-style

How To Dodge A Drought Zambia-style

ReliefWeb published a blog report on the progress of the Rural Resilience Initiative (R4) in Zambia. The program, launched by The World Food Program (WFP) and Oxfam, enables vulnerable rural households to increase their food and income security in the face of increasing climate risks. "In Zambia, smallholder farmers rely on rain-fed agriculture and constantly face challenges such as erratic rainfall, fragile soil and poor access to markets. Climate change places an additional burden on farmers’ food security by increasing the frequency and intensity of shocks including drought and flooding," wrote Evin Joyce and Arianna Tabegna in the blog. "In Zambia, the R4 model has been adapted to address the specific local challenges. The Initiative targets poor and food insecure smallholder households that, provided with a set of interventions - including agricultural inputs, improved agricultural practices, as well as financial services - are able to raise their productivity to meet their subsistence needs and gain from surplus sale."

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