
First insights: Landscape of Climate and Disaster Risk Insurance (CDRI) in Asia and the Pacific
Disasters affect the poor and vulnerable people in the developing world adversely. These people suffer disproportionately due to their higher vulnerability and exposure and lower ability to cope and recover. The impact of climate change is further amplifying this vulnerability and addressing this requires a multi-layered and multi-stakeholder approach. The InsuResilience Global Partnership brings together stakeholders from the Vulnerable 20 group (V20) and the G20 countries, multilateral development organizations, private sector, civil society organizations and academia. This partnership works
Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Insurance: Success, Challenges and Opportunities
There are many opportunities for the greater integration of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) and insurance for risk reduction, and many challenges that remain. The substantive engagement between the insurance and environmental sectors is relatively new. Thus, it is hardly surprising that few fully integrated Climate Risk Finance & Insurance (CRFI) & EbA products (e. g., reef insurance) currently exist, and that such solutions face some challenges. That said, there are many common interests and significant opportunities which could help improve integration of CFRI with EbA and more broadly
InsuResilience Annual Report 2018
Annual Report 2018: Working toward a Climate-Resilient Future
InsuRisk Tool
The InsuResilience Secretariat commissioned the United Nations University’s Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) and Social Impact Partners, a new joint venture between Munich Re and The Hollard Insurance Group, to develop a comprehensive and objective concept and methodology that provides transparent and comparable information on countries’ vulnerability towards climate and disaster risks and their readiness for insurance solutions.
Policy Brief: Linking Climate Risk Insurance with Shock-responsive Social Protection
Climate risk insurance is a risk transfer solution that aims to protect individuals, businesses and countries against the negative impacts of extreme weather events that are becoming more frequent and more severe due to climate change.
Applying a Gender Lens to Climate Risk Finance and Insurance
InsuResilience Global Partnership's Report "Applying a Gender Lens to Climate Risk Finance and Insurance." Gender-sensitive climate risk insurance (CRI) has the potential to play a role in the adaptation as part of a wider risk management strategy.