Drought Financing Facility
The purpose of this report is to give an overview of the way the Drought Financing Facility is designed, including two proposed pilots in Zimbabwe and Pakistan
Case Study: Anticipation of Flooding and Landslides in Tajikistan
This case study documents the process and identifies key learning for the Anticipation Window, using information from documents developed through the alert cycle along with data gathered during a programme visit in October 2017.
Start Fund Crisis Anticipation Window Report 2019
The Start Fund is the first global pooled humanitarian fund to be made accessible using forecasts. The Crisis Anticipation Window enables Start Network members to access funds when they see a crisis escalating, to reduce the risk of harm and loss at the community level.
Disaster Risk & Forecast-based Financing Design
Disaster Risk Financing (DRF) and Forecast-based Financing (FBF) are new forms of humanitarian action that move away from a solely reactive approach to crisis, and instead encourage the humanitarian and development sectors to take a more systematic and robust approach to managing and financing activities to address emerging risks.