Agriculture Insuretech Innovation Challenge Winner: Dhwani RIS

Agriculture Insuretech Innovation Challenge Winner: Dhwani RIS

Dhwani Rural Information Systems (Dhwani RIS) is a development-oriented technology enterprise that provides intelligent, integrated and affordable solutions to help social organizations to monitor, track and streamline their work effectively. Dhwani RIS strengthens the internal capabilities of client organizations through IT services including Information Communications Technology (ICT) integration and sector-based Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E).

GIIF organized an agriculture Insuretech innovation challenge/competition as a part of an Insuretech fair, which was hosted in Mumbai, India in July 2019. Through this innovation fair, the GIIF aims at improving the understanding of Insuretech, supporting the integration of different technology solutions with agriculture insurance, and applying innovation with actual programs on the ground. Dhwani RIS is the Gold Award Recipient in Premiums & Claims Category.