Earth Observation Responses to Geo-information Market Drivers

Earth Observation Responses to Geo-information Market Drivers

This interim summary report has been produced by Aon Limited and ESYS plc under contract ESRIN/Contract No. 17814/03/I-LG: Earth Observation Responses to Geo-information Market Drivers – Insurance Segment. It summarises three deliverables on the use of geo-information in the insurance industry.

Deliverable 1.1 aims to provide an overview of the insurance industry and the main drivers from the insurance perspective. It then identifies and focuses on those aspects of the insurance industry which have a demand for geo-information and could potentially use Earth Observation (EO) data. Deliverable 1.2 looks in more depth at current geospatial information utilisation in the insurance industry, while Deliverable 1.3 identifies blockages to wider use of geo-information and Earth Observation based information services1. All three deliverables are written from the insurance perspective.

Understanding insurance in general, and the use of geo-spatial information in particular, and appreciating the limitations of geo-information from the insurance perspective provides a valuable input to a realistic analysis of opportunities for EO information and services.