Weather Index-Based Insurance: An ex ante Evaluation for Cotton Cameroon

Weather Index-Based Insurance: An ex ante Evaluation for Cotton Cameroon

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Cotton is the major cash crop of Cameroon, however, even if it represents a quarter of agricultural exports it is only about six percent of total exports (Gergerly, 2009). The cotton society: SODECOTON (Soci´et´e de D´eveloppement du Coton du Cameroun) and the CMDT its Malian counterpart, are the only West African cotton societies that are still public monopsonies. Those parastatals are thus the only agent in the country to buy cot- ton from producers at pan-seasonally and -territorially fixed price (Delpeuch and Leblois, forthcoming). The national cotton producers organization is the CNPC-C (Conf´ed´eration Nationale de Producteurs de Coton), named OPCC untill 2010. Agronomical research and vulgarization service is supervized by the IRAD (some extention services are both provided by IRAD and SODECOTON) , the national agronomical research institution.