
Sharon Onyango, Project Lead (IFC) during her presentation about Climate Insurance and the IFC - IPEC collaboration in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe’s agriculture sector faces numerous climate-related challenges that significantly impact productivity, including droughts, floods, and pest infestations. With 70% of the population relying on agriculture for employment, this sector is crucial to the nation’s economic stability. Addressing these climate challenges is essential for safeguarding livelihoods and boosting agricultural resilience. One promising solution is agricultural insurance. IFC's Initiative on Agricultural Insurance The International Finance Corporation (IFC), in collaboration with Zimbabwe's Insurance & Pensions
Well-designed insurance programs can help to improve farmers’ resilience, access to finance, and high-quality inputs. To this end, IFC and Zimbabwe's insurance regulator, the Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC), issued a press release highlighting their collaboration to create a market for agricultural insurance products in Zimbabwe. The goal is to protect smallholder farmers against weather-related crop damage and other shocks. Through this project, the team will assess the risks faced by smallholder farmers, and their coping mechanisms, and also evaluate the farmers' appetite for
ZFU Ecofarmer Combo A partnership between Mercy Corps, EcoFarmer (Econet), and the Zimbabwe Farmers Union
The core objective of the project is to develop and rollout mobile based bundled financial and advisory services. This project supports and engages with the public and private partners to develop services that are both economically viable and meet the demands of smallholder farmers in order to provide them with relevant, timely, high-quality information and services which will improve their agricultural productivity and increase their income.
FoodSECuRE – Food Security Climate Resilience Facility
The core objective of the project is to financially and programmatically support community-centered early action to reinforce and build climate resilience.
The relevancy of crop insurance in enhancing food security in Zimbabwe
Food security is a critical phenomenon amongst developing countries. Most nations are now placing greater emphasis on crop insurance as a means of managing farming risk and enhancing food security. With Southern Africa having been hit by weather hazards such as floods and drought over the past few decades and its agricultural output continuing its downward plunge, the paper explores the relevancy of crop insurance in enhancing food security and facilitating agricultural productivity in Zimbabwe.