PPPs in the Distribution of Agricultural Insurance Discussed at 14th International Microinsurance Conference

PPPs in the Distribution of Agricultural Insurance Discussed at 14th International Microinsurance Conference

World Bank Group's Financial Sector Specialist Sharon Onyango (far left) moderated a session at the 14th International Microinsurance Conference on November 7 in Lusaka. The panel session “PPPs in the distribution of agricultural insurance” included discussants from both the public and private sectors, and dove into lessons learned from various PPPs from around the world and high-level considerations for setting up successful partnerships.

The panelists were:

  • Hailemelekot Teklegiorgis, Manager-in-charge - Financial Services, Ethiopian Agriculture Transformation Agency
  • Humphrey Mulele, Manager Agriculture Specialities, Mayfair Insurance
  • Timothy Gotora, Southern and Eastern Africa Country Engagement Manager, African Risk Capacity Agency Secretariat
  • Saskia Kuhn,  Advisor, GIZ
  • Marieme Ba, Head of emerging customers, AXA Mansard

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