Integrating Insurance into Climate Risk Management: Conceptual Framework, Tools and Guiding Questions with Examples from the Agricultural Sector

The Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) developed a digital publication on Integrating Insurance into Climate Risk Management: Conceptual Framework, Tools and Guiding Questions with Examples from the Agricultural Sector. As a result of the project Advancing Climate Risk Insurance Plus (ACRI+) funded by the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety in Germany.

The publication advances the traditional phases of the disaster risk management (DRM) cycle – Prevention, Preparedness, Response and Recovery – by adding a Risk Retention and Transfer phase by to develop an integrated climate risk management approach (ICRM). Although the publication follows a sequential phase structure (phase 1 - 5), users could select different phases of ICRM according to their needs and utilize the information in a modular or component manner.

What to expect in the publication:

A. The landing page of this digital publication include tabs: “Introduction” to frame the necessity for the publication. “Our Approach” to developing integrated climate risk management. “The scope” and the limitation of the publication's applicability. The “target audience” suggests both practitioners and policymakers interested in including insurance as a risk management and adaptation measures. It also includes the importance of having a stakeholder workshop “before starting” to the implementation of any of the phases, as well as the different “phases” of the approach. There are 3 videos on this page answering the following questions: why was the ICRM developed; what is the ICRM approach and how to navigate the publication.

B. The major part of the document focuses on Phase 1-5 of the ICRM approach. Each phase logically follows another phase and provides a practical approach to the user. It is important to note that the scope and details provided in each phase differ from one phase to the next.

In each phase, users can expect to find:

1) Definitions: contains a concise explanation of the concept, for both the phase and its components; 2) Brief descriptions: provides a short summary of the phase and its components, including the rationale, purpose, and associated steps; 3) Overarching questions: gives the overview of the questions users should be considering when implementing the phase; 4) Each phase has selected relevant components within the classic DRM phase; 5) Steps: shows the main tasks to be undertaken guided by key questions; 6) Involved actors: reviews the essential stakeholders in agriculture and their responsibilities; 7) Expected outputs: the main results to expect from implementing components and steps of the phase; 8) Guiding questions and Tools: provides questions and tools related to the phase and its components to help the reader build their DRM system. These questions are not exhaustive but cover the relevant issues from an insurance perspective. Tools range from technical software such as the Economics of Climate Adaptation method (ECA) that provides a ranking of the most effective adaptation measures including insurance based on the type and level of risks identified, to suggested publications for further reading; 9) Synergies of insurance: are entry points of insurance to the phases and the value added of the phase to insurance. A collection of all the synergies with insurance can also be accessed on its own under the Phases tabs; 10) Boxes: provide information on practical examples and additional information relevant to the phase.