
elearning modules

As part of GIIF's mandate to promote financial literacy on agriculture insurance and index-based insurance, the GIIF program is launching eLearning modules to encourage and facilitate self-paced learning on the subject matters.  

The objective of the "Introduction to Index Insurance" course is to introduce basic concepts of and information on agriculture and index insurance as well as related topics such as the use of data in product design, pricing, and livestock index insurance. The course is suitable for the general public, professionals in the insurance and agricultural sectors, and policymakers.

The four modules contain qualitative information on:

1) Agriculture Insurance

2) Data Issues

3) Overview of Pricing

4) Index-based Livestock Insurance

Any interested learner can access: 

New users should follow the instructions included in the enrollment guide before logging in.

If you have any questions about the course, please feel free to contact Sandra Carrollo at scarrollo@ifc.org. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please email olcsupport@worldbank.org. In your email, please include the course name and a clear description of the problem.

This project is a collaboration between the GIIF program, World Bank Group colleagues, and knowledge partners including Columbia University's International Research Institute for Climate and Society.