
Congratulations to Green Delta Insurance Company for an Important Milestone: 500,000 smallholders insured in 2022!
In 2016, Green Delta Insurance Company Limited started its journey in crop insurance with only 15 farmers. Over the course of the last 7 years, Green Delta has devoted its efforts to spread crop insurance in different parts of Bangladesh, experiencing rapid growth in terms of new farmers onboarded. Green Delta is proud to announce that they have recently achieved a new milestone of 500,000 smallholders farmers across Bangladesh that are now under coverage of their crop insurance. The Green Delta family affirmed they are proud to be a companion of these farmers who are consistently contributing
Farmer Community Outreach
Agriculture is a source of employment for nearly 50% of adult population in Bangladesh contributing to 13% of GDP in 2019. The country is highly exposed to climate change risks: cyclones, floods, droughts and saltwater inundation due to tidal surges. Notably, the 2007 Cyclone Sidr caused $18 million loss in livestock and over $415 million in crop production . Farmers in Tangail suffered millions of losses from Gopalganj flood this year. According to a WBG study , high water stress due to rising temperatures will affect the yield of Aman and Boro rice, the country’s two major staple crops, with
Agriculture is a source of employment for nearly 50% of adult population in Bangladesh contributing to 13% of GDP in 2019. The country is highly exposed to climate change risks: cyclones, floods, droughts and saltwater inundation due to tidal surges. Notably, the 2007 Cyclone Sidr caused $18 million loss in livestock and over $415 million in crop production . Farmers in Tangail suffered millions of losses from Gopalganj flood this year. According to a WBG study , high water stress due to rising temperatures will affect the yield of Aman and Boro rice, the country’s two major staple crops, with
RIICE – Remote sensing-based Information and Insurance for Crops in Emerging economies
The core objective is to provide better information on rice crop growth for food security policy and to reduce the vulnerability of smallholders in rice production caused by natural catastrophes.
Climate and Catastrophe Risk Assessment
The overall aim of the project is to co-develop new catastrophe risk models for floods in the Philippines and cyclone in Bangladesh, and to quantify the impacts of climate change on flood risk, to support risk management decisions and risk-based financing.
Green Delta Insurance Company, in cooperation with GIIF and IFC, pioneered weather index insurance in Bangladesh with an aim to mitigate farmers’ risks and losses associated with uncertain weather changes. This video summarizes key elements of the index product and its benefits to farmers combat climate risks.
Green Delta Insurance Company, in cooperation with GIIF and IFC, pioneered agriculture insurance in Bangladesh with an aim to mitigate farmers’ risks and losses associated with uncertain weather changes. Before the launch of the agri-insurance on 8th December 2018, pilot projects in 8 districts were run across Bangladesh for last 3 years, with the support of Business Finance for Poor-Bangladesh (BFP-B) Challenge Fund & Agriculture Value Chain Project of USAID. The video features a short documentary of one such pilot project conducted at Chitolmari village of Bagerhat District.
Case Study: Weather Index Insurance Pilot in Chitalmari in the Bogra District, Bangladesh
In 2015, IFC, supported by GIIF, launched the Weather Index Insurance project with Green Delta Insurance Company (GDIC), to develop insurance products to address perils such as drought, excess rain, heat waves, and cold spells in Chitalmari in the Bogra District, Bangladesh. A case study was developed to capture the activity.
Case Study: Weather Index Insurance in Bangladesh
In 2015, IFC, supported by GIIF, launched the Weather Index Insurance project with Green Delta Insurance Company (GDIC), to develop insurance products to address perils such as drought, excess rain, heat waves, and cold spells in Bangladesh. In October 2015, during the initial days of the project, GDIC and IFC approached Supreme Seed Company for index insurance partnership for their contract farming farmers. A case study was developed to capture the activity.
Green Delta Settles Claims of 1,000 Farmers in Bangladesh
Green Delta Insurance, a GIIF's partner, recently settled a claim of 1,000 farmers in Chitalmari, Begarhaat, Bangladesh. The 1,000 tomato farmers were insured by Green Delta's Weather Index-based Agri Insurance, the first of its kinds in the country. Bangladesh's State Minister for Finance, Chairman of Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority Bangladesh, and CEO of Green Delta Insurance Company, Farzana Chowdhury, attended the event.