Europe and Central Asia

GIIF Program One-pager 2019: Providing Access to Finance to Help Smallholder Farmers, Micro-entrepreneurs and Micro-finance Institutions

The linkage between agriculture and climate change is undeniable. Any change in the climate has significant effects on crop yields and livestock, which intensifies the agriculture sector’s vulnerability to weather and disaster risks. More frequent extreme weather events and natural disasters distress the poor and the vulnerable most heavily and, as a result, agricultural and index-based insurance products have increasingly been regarded as significant tools for smallholder farmers to protect themselves from financial losses. As we know, insurance normally provides valuable access to credit and

GIIF Program Booklet 2019: Providing Access to Finance to Help Smallholder Farmers, Micro-entrepreneurs and Micro-finance Institutions
The linkage between agriculture and climate change is undeniable. Any change in the climate has significant effects on crop yields and livestock, which intensifies the agriculture sector’s vulnerability to weather and disaster risks. More frequent extreme weather events and natural disasters distress the poor and the vulnerable most heavily and, as a result, agricultural and index-based insurance products have increasingly been regarded as significant tools for smallholder farmers to protect themselves from financial losses. As we know, insurance normally provides valuable access to credit and
Albania Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Project
The objective of the Albania Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Project (AL-DRMAP) is to strengthen institutional capacities, to reduce Albania‘s vulnerability to natural and manmade hazards, and to limit human, economic, and financial losses due to disasters.
Risk Diversification and Up-Scaling Potential - Italy
The development of sustainable insurance solutions requires thorough risk assessment, modelling and layering. Agricultural and climate risks are mainly of a systemic nature, i.e. they affect a large geographic area or large parts of the population simulta neously. If the insured risk is not adequately spread, one catastrophic event can threaten the viability of the whole scheme. To lower covariate risks, the portfolio thus needs to be diversified in terms of crops, type of risks, and different geographical regions.
Public-Private Partnership - Italy
Sustainable insurance solutions for climate risk requires a joint effort of both the public and the private sector: the partners need to cooperate and commit to facilitating a development process. Private insurance companies design appropriate insurance products, establish administrative processes and carry the risk. They invest financial and human resources and commit themselves to the agricultural and climate risk insurance markets. Government support that goes beyond creating an enabling regulatory environment can be critical to the sustainability of such systems.
Index Insurance presents opportunities for agricultural producers in Ukraine to protect against climate risks
On May 22-24, 2018, the IFC Eastern Europe and Central Asia Agri-Finance Project held a 3-day seminar titled “Basic principles of development of index insurance products" for the insurance market of Ukraine. The seminar was a continuation of work started in summer of 2017 that aimed at developing local skills for index insurance and, once again, was led by Shadreck Mapfumo, GIIF Senior Financial Sector Specialist. Mr. Mapfumo and the participants deep dived into the fundamentals of index product modeling based on real data and modern actuarial models. The event was organized with the support
Index Insurance in Ukraine: Opening Doors for Agribusiness
Agri-insurance is a financial product that protects farmers from potential losses resulting from weather events or disease. By enabling farmers to protect their businesses, agricultural insurance also reduces lending risks, which increases the amount of credit available in this vital sector. In Ukraine, IFC and Syngenta worked together to pilot-test index insurance — which bases claims on independently verifiable weather data — for wheat and corn. This SmartLesson explores the possibility of developing index insurance as a new and important financial instrument that helps farmers and
Strategic Decisions Metrics for Agriculture Index Insurance Workshop in Ukraine
In June 2017, IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and two biggest insurance associations in Ukraine — League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine and Ukrainian Federation on Insurance (UFU) — jointly organized an index insurance workshop entitled “Strategic Decisions Metrics for Agriculture Index Insurance” for all interested insurance companies and other market participants. Instructor Shadreck Mapfumo, GIIF Senior Financial Specialist, led the three-day workshop which introduced new approaches to the agri-insurance product development to the local participants. A total of 38
Global Index Insurance Facility: Achievements Report (Phase 1: 2010-2015)
Global Index Insurance Facility has produced a report that captures the Program’s achievements and on the progress of project implementation during phase one: 2010-2015. These achievements and lessons learned are the result of joint efforts, hard work and commitment with GIIF's implementing partners on the ground as well as generous support from the donors. Prepared collaboratively by the GIIF team across the globe, this report also offers a snapshot of past and future activities, including GIIF’s roles in capacity-building, outreach and communications efforts. Available in English and in
Advancing Financial Inclusion Through Access to Insurance: the Role of Postal Networks
With 1.5 billion people worldwide getting access to financial services through a post office, postal networks are powerful tools to advance financial inclusion. Posts have already proved to have comparative advantages in remote areas and with specific vulnerable groups – the poor, the less educated and those in the informal economy – compared with other financial services providers. This study by the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) delves into the transformative potential of postal networks into well-suited providers of insurance. The report