Latin America & the Caribbean

Sophia Belay, Manager – R4 Rural Resilience Initiative, talks about increasing awareness of index insurance among farmers
Richard Choularton, Chief - Climate Resiliance for Food Security at UN WFP, talks about using index insurance solutions to manage climate risk issues
Paula Pagniez, Senior Microinsurance Specialist at Swiss Re, talks about growing private sector participation in index insurance
Jon Hellin, Value Chain and Poverty Specialist for CIMMYT, talks about climate risk management in agriculture
Dan Osgood, Lead Scientist – IRI, talks about using index insurance solutions to manage climate risk issues
Alex Scherer, CEO of AXA Corporate Solutions – Americas, talks about the growing role of Index Insurance in managing climate risks
Using Satellite Data for Index Insurance
Satellite Technology and its continued advancement is critical to the relevance and accuracy of index insurance products as a counter against weather-related risks. The World Bank Group’s Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) in partnership with its regional partners has been working with researchers and scientists to refine satellite technology for index insurance product design.
5th Annual Africa Insurers and Reinsurers Conference
The 2015 Africa Insurance & Reinsurance Conference will keep you up-to-date with the latest industry developments, marketing strategies and product innovations relevant for the African market. New technologies, development of new client segments and the overall economic growth in the continent is not only forcing regional insurers to rethink the way they conduct business but also forcing the global players to look at Africa as a strategic market for growth.At the 4th Annual Africa Insurance and Reinsurance Conference, will focus on key fundamentals to the business of insurance and discuss how
Food and Nutrition Security, Agriculture and Climate Change
On the sidelines of UNFCCC COP20 the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and CARE will host a half day seminar to raise awareness and showcase actions on approaches to address the food and nutrition security and climate change challenges.
Latin America’s Annual Microinsurance Summit 2015
Latin America´s Annual Microinsurance Summit 2015 tackles exactly what is needed to create win-win distribution channel, develop new products for the segment in a more creative way, and radically change the way the market is reached through a powerful mobile strategy. Hear from companies that have a proven record of success and extensive experience in the Latin American market, including Grupo Segurador BB-Mapfre, Pleyade, AIG, Nacional Vida, Allianz and Grupo Financiero Banrural.