Developing a Public Asset Register

Urban flooding is a significant issue in Ghana, particularly in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA). Government agencies and municipalities seek to minimize damage from natural disasters, also for their public assets, through a variety of prevention measures. Nevertheless, a residual risk will always remain. Risk transfer within an Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) is central. For the development of an insurance product for public infrastructure assets various information about them, such as their value as well as their precise locations and previous flood occurrences for the exposure analysis, are required.

Therefore, government authorities in urban areas currently manage public asset registers according to each municipality. These public asset registers are documents that include critical data that relates to infrastructure assets, which may include educational facilities, health facilities, markets, shops, roads, culverts, and lorry parks. In addition, these registers may also include data that relates to moveable assets such as vehicles, televisions, and laptops. However, these registers in certain institutions in Ghana often lack crucial information. Without this information, it is difficult to develop insurance products and increase risk management capacities.