
Développement d’un marché de l’assurance agricole indicielle en Côte d’Ivoire: Le modèle d’affaires du GIIF du Groupe de la Banque Mondiale présenté à Abidjan
A l’initiative du Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) du Groupe de la Banque mondiale a eu lieu le vendredi 19 janvier 2018 à Abidjan un Atelier de restitution des résultats de l’étude sur le Développement d’un marché de l’assurance agricole indicielle en Côte d’Ivoire, selon L’objectif général assigné à cette étude vise à Promouvoir le développement et la croissance d’un marché local viable et pérenne pour l’assurance agricole indicielle en Côte d’Ivoire, via une assistance technique et un accompagnement financier. «Avant le début de la période d'assurance, un indice
IFC Increases Reach of Index Insurance for Small Holder Farmers in Zambia
Johannesburg, South Africa, 18 January 2018 – IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, today announced a grant extension to Mayfair Insurance Company Zambia Limited, to support Mayfair in scaling up its weather-based index insurance product line in Zambia. The additional performance-based grant, awarded through the Global Index Insurance Facility, is expected to help Mayfair reach an additional 300,000 farmers by December 2019. Smallholder farmers in Zambia are vulnerable to weather-related shocks such as drought, flooding, and irregular rainfall. Insurance can be a good risk management tool for
World Bank Group’s Global Index Insurance Facility Receives EUR 10 Million from Germany to Stimulate Risk Insurance Markets
Washington, DC September 28, 2017 – The World Bank Group received EUR 10 million from Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to improve and scale up the use of extreme weather insurance instruments as risk management tools for the poor and the most vulnerable smallholder farmers particularly affected by climate change. The contribution will finance knowledge and technical assistance activities of the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) to build capacity and expertise among practitioners in developing countries to devise effective index insurance products
GIIF Country Profile: Kenya
A newly designed Global Index Insurance Facility's Country Profile for Kenya is available for digital viewing. The document contains an overview of GIIF's project in Kenya with the partner, ACRE Africa. Read more about this program
Op-ed: Binhi Micro-Crop Insurance Program
In a Business Mirror (Philippines) Op-ed, Dennis B. Funa, the Philippines's insurance commissioner, wrote that the Binhi Micro-Crop Insurance Program of CARD Pioneer Microinsurance Inc. will benefit smallholder farmers face typhoon risks. When leading portfolios of micro-finance institutions are protected by insurance, farmers are also protected. The Binhi Micro-Crop Insurance is supported by the Global Index Insurance Facility and the Government of Canada.
Asia Needs Innovative Parametric and Index-based Solutions to Close Protection Gap
Asia needs to explore index Insurance and parametric solutions in its efforts to close the region's protection gap, according to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), Reinsurance News reports. “We must put in place mechanisms for the effective assessment, management, and transfer of disaster risks. Advances in technology, innovation, research, and market integration put us in a strong position to address these challenges,” Ravi Menon, MAS Managing Director, was quoted as saying.
Index Insurance in Ukraine: Opening Doors for Agribusiness
Agri-insurance is a financial product that protects farmers from potential losses resulting from weather events or disease. By enabling farmers to protect their businesses, agricultural insurance also reduces lending risks, which increases the amount of credit available in this vital sector. In Ukraine, IFC and Syngenta worked together to pilot-test index insurance — which bases claims on independently verifiable weather data — for wheat and corn. This SmartLesson explores the possibility of developing index insurance as a new and important financial instrument that helps farmers and
Since the World Bank Group first forayed into index insurance in 2000, the financial instrument has been widely accepted as an innovation that helps small players gain access to finance and sustain their livelihoods. In the context of climate change, index insurance has helped vulnerable populations build resilience and protect themselves against catastrophes and climate risks. Index insurance pays out benefits on the basis of a pre-determined index for loss of assets and investments resulting from weather and catastrophic events. Without requiring the traditional services of insurance claims
G20 Countries Should Address Resilience to Warming Planet
In a press release ahead of the G20 summit, Peter Höppe, Chairman of the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) and Head of Geo Risks Research/Corporate Climate Centre at Munich Re said, " It is high time that G20 nations take responsibility to support the most vulnerable countries in their fight against climate change and the increasingly severe impacts of floods, heatwaves and changing weather patterns." "One major milestone would be a climate insurance partnership that helps vulnerable and poor countries and communities better cushion the impacts of extreme climatic events," he added
"Fundamentals of Named Peril Index Insurance Risk Transfer Process" Workshop in Asia
More than 30 participants across Asia gathered in May 2017 in Jakarta to attend a regional workshop focusing on index insurance fundamentals and to discuss best practices in the development of the innovative financial product. The week-long workshop entitled “Fundamentals of Named Peril Index Insurance Risk Transfer Process” was sponsored by the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) as part of its capacity building activities aimed at the development and enhancement of index insurance products in developing countries. Managed by the World Bank Group’s Finance & Markets Global Practice, GIIF