
Illustrated Comic Book for Earthquake Index Insurance
A 24-page illustrated comic book on Earthquake Index Insurance in Bahasa Indonesia.
IFC Partners With PT Reasuransi MAIPARK to Insure Farmers Against Climate Risks
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and PT Reasuransi MAIPARK have agreed to jointly develop index-based insurance products to hedge risks against adverse weather events for agribusinesses, bank agriculture-loan portfolios, and farmer groups. The impacts and effects of adverse weather events—such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes—were felt during the most recent El Niño, when some of the worst hit agribusinesses reported up to 30 percent drops in projected yields. IFC will support MAIPARK—a special-risk reinsurance company—to work with local insurance companies to develop, sell, and
Pacific Islands Take the Lead on Financial Protection from Disasters
Pacific Island countries will have better access to catastrophe insurance to reduce financial impacts in the aftermath of natural disasters, including major cyclones, earthquakes and tsunamis, as a result of a new regional disaster risk finance project in Fiji, a World Bank's press release reports. The US$29.73 million project - PCRAFI: Furthering Disaster Risk Finance in the Pacific - builds on eight years of regional collaboration through the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Assessment and Insurance Initiative (PCRAFI), and shared experiences from similar catastrophe risk pools supported by the
Actuarial Basics - Manual 2
This manual presents theoretical concepts and applied methods commonly used for actuarial processes in agriculture insurance. Actuarial processes refer to the activities that establish insurance premium rates and related quantitative analyses. Key considerations for designing agriculture insurance programs are presented. In addition, the infl uence of program design on data requirements and the use of statistical methods for establishing insurance premiums are illustrated.The presentation presumes that readers have a solid understanding of basic statistics principles. The level of knowledge
Microfinance and Index Insurance: Testing Business Models in the Agricultural Sector
While access to credit is a key instrument toalleviate rural poverty, microfinance institutions(MFIs) are often unable to expand their agriculturelending portfolio. One of the key constraints thatMFIs face is the exposure of agriculture lending toshocks such as drought, flood, or locust which can putfarmers in a situation where they are unable to repaytheir loans. Major agriculture shocks can indeed leadto loan defaults and bank runs therefore resultingin destruction of risk capital, reduced access toliquidity, decreased lending and sometimes insolvency.Evidence shows that credit supply
Connected Agriculture: The role of mobile in driving efficiency and sustainability in the food and agriculture value chain
Full Publication Mobile communications can help to meet the challenge of feeding an estimated 9.2 billion people by 2050. The 12 specific opportunities explored in this study could increase agricultural income by around $138 billion across 26 of Vodafone’s markets in 2020. Connected agriculture could also reduce carbon emissions and reduce water consumed in irrigation. This report, co-authored by Accenture, Vodafone and Oxfam, aims to stimulate the necessary engagement between mobile operators, governments, non-profits and businesses to realize these opportunities and explore others.
Weather Index-Based Rice Insurance
This Masters thesis presents the results of a pilot scale study on weather index-based rice insurance in Zhejiang province, China. The goal of this thesis is to find the best suited weather index-based rice insurance model for each rice cropping zone of Zhejiang. By testing a wide range of weather indexes for their relationship with the rice yield per unit land in each rice cropping zone using classic regression models, a set of weather indexes were selected for each rice cropping zone of Zhejiang. A rice insurance product was then designed based on the relationship between the chosen weather index and rice yield. Basis risks were studied in detail in this thesis, and were reduced in the insurance model by defining the insurable farming scale to rice cropping zone and by removing the time trend in rice yields. The results show diversified features in weather index and insurance product design of different rice cropping zones in Zhejiang.
Basis Risk In Index Insurance
Basis Risk in Index insurance By: Kollin Rao
Insurance solutions for managing the food crisis
Food prices for wheat, maize, corn or soybeans have risen in the last 18 months markedly, mainly as a result of a growing imbalance between supply and demand for agricultural products. Since 2000, prices for food have nearly doubled around the world. The supply side is not keeping up with the increase in demand. Direct investments into agriculture production are still remarkably low. This issue is being addressed at both the national and international level. For example, within the Commonwealth, Ministers of Finance, at their Annual Meeting in October 2008, called on the international community to intensify its support for affected countries and to accelerate both short and longer term investments in increasing agricultural production and productivity.
Insurance and Climate Change
This paper examines climate change mitigation and adaptation from an insurance industry perspective, with particular reference to London and the USA. It illustrates how British insurers are increasingly shaping public policy and using new technology to manage the risks from climate change impacts and makes a plea for society to make more use of insurance expertise in future decision making. The industry is a “sleeping giant” much bigger and potentially more powerful than the fossil fuel industry in shaping the future through financial incentives and disincentives. The insurance industry has much to contribute, and increasingly would welcome a greater dialogue with the academic and political community. The paper has a “further reading” section, which includes two recent UN reports which illustrate the need for greater dialogue between experts in the USA and the UK. Hopefully this conference will help to create such a dialogue.