East Asia and Pacific

Product Detail Brochure for Earthquake Index Insurance (EQII)
A newly designed product detail brochure for Earthquake Index Insurance (EQII) is available for digital viewing. Since 2014, PT Reasuransi MAIPARK and GIIF have been developing EQII, a new insurance product that triggers an automatic payout based on pre-determined earthquake parameters. EQII is designed to protect the lending portfolios of banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs) from liquidity crises in the aftermath of an earthquake. The intended insured party of this product is a bank/MFI. Also available in Bahasa Indonesia.
The Philippines is highly dependent on the agribusiness sector, which employs close to one third of its workforce and takes up to 40% of the country’s land. The country and the agricultural sector are also highly vulnerable to climate risks; it is ranked among the world’s highest disaster prone countries, and it is ranked the 3rd most disaster prone country in the world, experiencing multiple typhoons a year. These natural events cause significant damage to farms and the assets of small-holder farmers. The high risk of typhoons is one of the main reasons why most banks are unwilling to extend
Climate Risk and Resilience in China
China ranks first in the world for expected annual GDP losses from climate-induced natural disasters. At the same time, China has experienced an unprecedented level of urban growth with exceptional speed. In 2020, more than 60% of China’s population (840m inhabitants) live in cities. The combination of urban growth and climate vulnerability poses significant challenges to China’s sustainable development. Extreme weather events caused expected annual economic losses of up to 1.3 percent of GDP. The project will empower local pilot cities with an Integrated Climate Risk Management (ICRM)
China Weather Index Insurance Project (WII)
The China Weather Index-Based Insurance Project (China WII), supported by the British Embassy Beijing, aims to create markets of digital insurance in rural areas by engaging public-private stakeholders. The project partners with policymakers, insurance companies, financial institutions, and insurance-tech players to introduce digital technology-empowered insurances, such as Weather Index-Based Insurance (WII) across the country over the next three years. The project also elevates its strategy from "product piloting" at inception to "creating markets" as of now. The four strategic pillars of
China Weather Index Insurance Project and Its Digital Insurance Forum
China Weather Index Insurance Project The China Weather Index Insurance Project (China WII) , supported by the British Embassy Beijing, aims to create markets of digital insurance in rural areas by engaging public-private stakeholders. The project partners with policymakers, insurance companies, financial institutions, and insurance-tech players to introduce digital technology-empowered insurances, such as Weather Index Insurance (WII) across the country over the next three years. Despite the COVID disruption, efforts are being made in market landscape studies and insurance product development
First insights: Landscape of Climate and Disaster Risk Insurance (CDRI) in Asia and the Pacific
Disasters affect the poor and vulnerable people in the developing world adversely. These people suffer disproportionately due to their higher vulnerability and exposure and lower ability to cope and recover. The impact of climate change is further amplifying this vulnerability and addressing this requires a multi-layered and multi-stakeholder approach. The InsuResilience Global Partnership brings together stakeholders from the Vulnerable 20 group (V20) and the G20 countries, multilateral development organizations, private sector, civil society organizations and academia. This partnership works
The Global Index Insurance Facility conducted video interviews with donors, guest speakers, and participants at the GIIF Agriculture Insuretech Forum 2019 in Mumbai, India. All videos are listed here .

July 9, 2019; Mumbai (INDIA): The Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) and Sankalp Forum by Intellecap, announced the winners of Agriculture Insuretech Innovation Challenge at the Agri Insuretech Forum that took place at the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai. GIIF invited participants from leading insurance companies, government officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, impact investors, and innovators incubators from the agriculture, technology, and insurance sectors. The platform held key panel discussions on bringing together the Agri-insuretech ecosystem stakeholders such as innovators

GIIF Program One-pager 2019: Providing Access to Finance to Help Smallholder Farmers, Micro-entrepreneurs and Micro-finance Institutions

The linkage between agriculture and climate change is undeniable. Any change in the climate has significant effects on crop yields and livestock, which intensifies the agriculture sector’s vulnerability to weather and disaster risks. More frequent extreme weather events and natural disasters distress the poor and the vulnerable most heavily and, as a result, agricultural and index-based insurance products have increasingly been regarded as significant tools for smallholder farmers to protect themselves from financial losses. As we know, insurance normally provides valuable access to credit and

GIIF Program Booklet 2019: Providing Access to Finance to Help Smallholder Farmers, Micro-entrepreneurs and Micro-finance Institutions
The linkage between agriculture and climate change is undeniable. Any change in the climate has significant effects on crop yields and livestock, which intensifies the agriculture sector’s vulnerability to weather and disaster risks. More frequent extreme weather events and natural disasters distress the poor and the vulnerable most heavily and, as a result, agricultural and index-based insurance products have increasingly been regarded as significant tools for smallholder farmers to protect themselves from financial losses. As we know, insurance normally provides valuable access to credit and