East Asia and Pacific

GIIF Country Profile: The Philippines
A newly designed Global Index Insurance Facility's Country Profile for the Philippines is available for digital viewing . The document contains an overview of GIIF's project in the Philippines and partners, CARD Pioneer Microinsurance (CPMI) and CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI).
GIIF Country Profile: Indonesia
A newly designed Global Index Insurance Facility's Country Profile for Indonesia is available for digital viewing . The document contains an overview of GIIF's project in Indonesia and partner, PT Reasuransi MAIPARK.
1. What is the current status of GIIF projects in Asia? GIIF has several active projects in Asia that have gained momentum; two examples are our projects in Indonesia and the Philippines. The project in Indonesia is the Earthquake Index Insurance (EQII), which will protect the lending portfolios of banks from liquidity crises in the aftermath of an earthquake (as opposed to covering individual homeowners or individual property owners), and will help microfinance institutions (MFIs) and rural banks continue lending to communities. Because the project partner for this project, PT. Reasuransi
Philippines' Crop Insurance Helps Farmers When Typhoon Strikes
IFC partnered with CARD Pioneer Microinsurance Incorporated (CPMI) in the Philippines to design and launch a new crop-insurance product to protect farmers from typhoon-related losses. It will initially target CARD’s farmer clients. CARD is the Philippines’ largest micro-finance institution with four million clients. “This is the first private sector-led crop-insurance product in the Philippines and a ground-breaking initiative by our partners CPMI and CARD,” said country manager Yuan Xu.The agriculture sector contributes approximately 11 percent of the country’s GDP and provides employment for
Experiences in index-based insurance for farmers: lessons learnt from Senegal and Bangladesh
In Proparco's Private Sector & Development magazine, Chloe Dugger, Operations Officer in WBG's Finance and Markets Global Practice, and Rachel Sberro, Research Analyst on agriculture finance, write about WBG's Global Index Insurance Facility's experiences with index-based insurance in Senegal and Bangladesh. Their article focuses on micro- and meso-level approaches to distributing agricultural index insurance, which speeds up claims settlement by dispensing with loss assessments and payouts are determined on an objective basis, eliminating the risk of fraud. Please visit Proparco's Private
10 Billion Peso to Recapitalize Philippine Crop Insurance Corp Pushed
The Philippines's Former Agriculture Secretary is now pushing for an act mandating the Philippine Crop Insurance Corp. (PCIC) to offer index-based insurance coverage and allowing it to engage in reinsurance, increasing its funding source, and imposing heavier penalties on spurious claims, Manila Bulltin reports. Congressman Arthur Yap, Economic Affairs Committee Chairman, also said that "with stronger and modern insurance system in the agriculture sector, banks would be more confident to lend to farmers." Congressman Yap also specified the need to encourage private insurance companies to offer
Global Index Insurance Facility: Achievements Report (Phase 1: 2010-2015)
Global Index Insurance Facility has produced a report that captures the Program’s achievements and on the progress of project implementation during phase one: 2010-2015. These achievements and lessons learned are the result of joint efforts, hard work and commitment with GIIF's implementing partners on the ground as well as generous support from the donors. Prepared collaboratively by the GIIF team across the globe, this report also offers a snapshot of past and future activities, including GIIF’s roles in capacity-building, outreach and communications efforts. Available in English and in
Advancing Financial Inclusion Through Access to Insurance: the Role of Postal Networks
With 1.5 billion people worldwide getting access to financial services through a post office, postal networks are powerful tools to advance financial inclusion. Posts have already proved to have comparative advantages in remote areas and with specific vulnerable groups – the poor, the less educated and those in the informal economy – compared with other financial services providers. This study by the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) delves into the transformative potential of postal networks into well-suited providers of insurance. The report
Index insurance: What you need to know
In an article entitled “Index insurance: What you need to know”, Devex interviews Gloria Grandolini, the WBG’s Senior Director, and Gilles Galludec, GIIF Program Manager, on the Global Index Insurance Facility and how index insurance works. To help encourage the spread of index insurance as a risk management tool, GIIF is working with regional partners in developing countries, primarily sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific. Over 1 million small farmers, pastoralists and small businesses have signed on — with over $130 million in sums insured. Click here to read
Climate-linked Insurance a Boon for Poor Farmers
Poor farmers all over the world are increasingly falling prey to natural disasters, droughts and torrential rain largely due to climate change. But there is some good news as well. Thanks to new technologies, the widespread use of satellites, and more powerful computers, such events can largely be predicted in advance, thus making possible novel and more efficient insurance schemes for those at risk. In an interview with AFP, Gilles Galludec, Program Manager of the World Bank-run Global Index Insurance Facility discusses how index insurance schemes differ from traditional indemnity coverage in