East Asia and Pacific

RIICE – Remote sensing-based Information and Insurance for Crops in Emerging economies
The core objective is to provide better information on rice crop growth for food security policy and to reduce the vulnerability of smallholders in rice production caused by natural catastrophes.
Climate and Catastrophe Risk Assessment
The overall aim of the project is to co-develop new catastrophe risk models for floods in the Philippines and cyclone in Bangladesh, and to quantify the impacts of climate change on flood risk, to support risk management decisions and risk-based financing.
Press Release: IFC and MAIPARK Support Rural Indonesian Banks in Earthquake-Prone Areas
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, October 29, 2018 — IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and PT. Reasuransi MAIPARK Indonesia, a special-risk reinsurance company, today hosted an event to present Earthquake Index Insurance (EQII) policies to three rural banks in Yogyakarta. The aim is to protect banks providing loans to individuals and micro, small, and medium enterprises from losses following earthquakes. More than 12 million Indonesians live and work in earthquake-prone zones, with economic exposure reaching an estimated $80 billion. These risks are especially high in Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi
(C) World Bank Group
On October 16-19, 2018 policymakers and experts from Pacific Islands and around the world will gather in Port Vila, Vanuatu for the Understanding Risk Finance Pacific (URf Pacific) forum, co-organized by the World Bank’s Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program ( DRFIP ) and the Government of Vanuatu. For questions, please reach out to DRFPacific@worldbank.org.
ACRI+ Advancing Climate Risk  Insurance for Cities in China
The core objective is to systematically reduce the impact of climate risks on a selected pilot city through risk transfer solutions. It also aims to support NDRC in implementing China’s National Climate Adaptation Pilots, to develop a comprehensive blueprint for climate adaption actions, to assist in the implementation of this blueprint, and to replicate this solution in other cities.
Women Farmers in Africa, Asia to Benefit from Climate Insurance
According to a Thomson Reuters Foundation report, The African and Asian Resilience in Disaster Insurance Scheme (ARDIS), led by VisionFund International, the microfinance arm of World Vision, and Global Parametrics, a new venture backed by the British and German governments, is setting up to help up to 4 million poor people in Africa and Asia rebuild their lives after climate disasters. The insurance program will support mostly women farmers and their families, affected by droughts in Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Zambia and Cambodia, and by tropical cyclones in Myanmar.
Op-ed: Binhi Micro-Crop Insurance Program
In a Business Mirror (Philippines) Op-ed, Dennis B. Funa, the Philippines's insurance commissioner, wrote that the Binhi Micro-Crop Insurance Program of CARD Pioneer Microinsurance Inc. will benefit smallholder farmers face typhoon risks. When leading portfolios of micro-finance institutions are protected by insurance, farmers are also protected. The Binhi Micro-Crop Insurance is supported by the Global Index Insurance Facility and the Government of Canada.
Illustrated Comic Book for Earthquake Index Insurance
A 24-page illustrated comic book on Earthquake Index Insurance in Bahasa Indonesia.
Asia Needs Innovative Parametric and Index-based Solutions to Close Protection Gap
Asia needs to explore index Insurance and parametric solutions in its efforts to close the region's protection gap, according to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), Reinsurance News reports. “We must put in place mechanisms for the effective assessment, management, and transfer of disaster risks. Advances in technology, innovation, research, and market integration put us in a strong position to address these challenges,” Ravi Menon, MAS Managing Director, was quoted as saying.
"Fundamentals of Named Peril Index Insurance Risk Transfer Process" Workshop in Asia
More than 30 participants across Asia gathered in May 2017 in Jakarta to attend a regional workshop focusing on index insurance fundamentals and to discuss best practices in the development of the innovative financial product. The week-long workshop entitled “Fundamentals of Named Peril Index Insurance Risk Transfer Process” was sponsored by the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) as part of its capacity building activities aimed at the development and enhancement of index insurance products in developing countries. Managed by the World Bank Group’s Finance & Markets Global Practice, GIIF