
Mayfair Insurance, a GIIF Partner, has produced a video for awareness raising on index insurance during last season (2018).
Distributing Agri Micro-insurance in East Africa –Lessons Learned
ACRE Africa participated in 2018 Understanding Risk Forum in Mexico City in May 2018. Organized by the World Bank’s Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) and partners every two years, the event provides organizations and individuals with the opportunity to exchange knowledge, highlight new activities and initiatives, establish new partnerships, and foster innovation in the field. As part of this year’s program, the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program (DRFIP) and the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) – both in the WBG’s Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation
ACRE Africa Awarded Best Technological Startup for Innovations in Crop Insurance
ACRE Africa, a partner of the Global Index Insurance Facility and one of the pioneers of agriculture insurance in the African region, received the HEC-OCP Award for Best Technological Startup in the agriculture sector at the AfricaDays 2018 event. HEC Paris - Seed Project and OCP Africa recognized ACRE Africa as one of the startups that is shaping the future of agriculture while addressing the challenges due to climate change. Wairimu Muthike, ACRE Africa's Head of Business Development (image), was in France to accept the award. ACRE Africa offers technical support to the insurance and
Parametric Insurance: Closing the Protection Gap in Africa
Parametric insurance has the potential to serve a significant developmental role in Africa, as it pays out benefits based on a predetermined index for losses resulting from catastrophic events, Clyde & Co's Max Ebrahim and Wynne Lawrence wrote in Commercial Risk Online. In the article, GIIF's collaboration with ACRE Africa, which is serving the populations in Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania, is also cited.
GIZ: Innovations and Emerging Trends in Agricultural Insurance
In this report, GIZ explores the trends in agricultural insurance and public relief as risk management tools in rural areas of developing countries. The report takes a closer look at the challenges in scaling up index-based insurance, linked to the demand form farmers, the design of indexes, the distribution of the insurance products, and the changing climate. Authors Ulrich Hess and Peter Hazell also propose solutions to the challenges in scaling up index insurance. To read the report, please click here.
Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands Quotes Kilimo Salama as an Example for Microinsurance Programs
In an address to an audience at an Adaptation Futures 2016 plenary session in Rotterdam, UN Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands said financial services that are inclusive would enhance the vulnerable populations’ ability to escape poverty. Financial inclusion is particularly important for smallholder farmers. Without access to credit, they could become caught up in activities with declining productivity and incomes. Along with savings and remittances, insurance is an important financial instrument that helps smallholder farmers
Tanzania: Robust Insurance Strategy Coming to Boost Farming
Plans are underway to draw up an insurance strategy on agriculture in Tanzania, AllAfrica reports. According to the country's Commissioner of Insurance, a meeting of insurance stakeholders was recently conducted to discuss the strategy. It is hoped that by having the strategy, agriculture will be stimulated, the report adds. Agriculture is Tanzania's economy mainstay, accounting for nearly 30% of GDP, and 67% of the workforce was employed in the sector in 2014. Most Tanzanian farmers are smallholders; few families cultivate more than two hectares. Around 20% of farmers use ox-ploughs, 10% use
Insurance for Small Farms' Crops Takes Root
In a VOA article, the Kilimo Salama projected, funded by the Global Index Insurance Facility and the Syngenta Foundation, is cited for having provided insurance to about 200,000 farmers in east Africa, mainly in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania. Because it is so expensive to verify losses on large numbers of small landholdings, the traditional type of individual loss-based insurance is not always viable. That has led to index-based insurance for smallholder farmers for weather-related risks. In the long run in the developing world, specialists say, what is needed most is investment in science and
Innovative Microinsurance Protects Poor Farmers Against Climate Change
For several years, insuring harvests against the climate hazards that regularly destroy farmers’ crops in developing countries has for several years been a major tool in the fight against poverty, mainly in Africa and Asia, where between 400 and 500 million farmers survive on very low incomes. At the Convergences World Forum in Paris on 9 September 2015, Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture and GIIF speak about the innovations in index insurance and the success of the Kilimo Salama project in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania. Expanded in 2014, the program develops and offers insurance for
IFC, EU and Syngenta Foundation to Expand Weather Insurance to One Million East African Farmers
GIIF, a member of the World Bank Group, signed two grant agreements, with a combined value of $3.9 million, with the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture to expand index-based insurance to small-scale farmers in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania. Index-based weather insurance can protect against the adverse effects of climate change and help to strengthen food security in rural communities.