Catastrophe weather derivative

Insurance and Climate Change
This paper examines climate change mitigation and adaptation from an insurance industry perspective, with particular reference to London and the USA. It illustrates how British insurers are increasingly shaping public policy and using new technology to manage the risks from climate change impacts and makes a plea for society to make more use of insurance expertise in future decision making. The industry is a “sleeping giant” much bigger and potentially more powerful than the fossil fuel industry in shaping the future through financial incentives and disincentives. The insurance industry has much to contribute, and increasingly would welcome a greater dialogue with the academic and political community. The paper has a “further reading” section, which includes two recent UN reports which illustrate the need for greater dialogue between experts in the USA and the UK. Hopefully this conference will help to create such a dialogue.
Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production
Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production Alexander J.B.Zehnder
Drought Insurance for Farmers in Malawi
Drought Insurance for Farmers in Malawi Presented to the conference for Insurance and reinsurance for Natural catastrophes, Morocco,November 2006 -Chris Kapanga

Benin is a small country with a population estimated at just under 10 million in 2011, and the national economy relies on the agriculture sector, in particular on cotton. Indeed, the agriculture sector accounts for about 32% of GDP and is the source of livelihood for nearly 70% of the country’s workforce. As part of its Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (2011-2015), Benin has identified agricultural diversification and improved agricultural productivity as two key priorities.