
Kenyan Herders Have Received Insurance Payouts amid Drought
The World Bank has stated that the Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP), an index insurance that insures vulnerable pastoralists in the northern counties, has so far paid out about 5.3 million U.S dollars to over 20,000 pastoralists, according to a Xinhua report.
Rwanda to Host a Regional Conference on Micro-insurance
Rwanda is hosting the 4th Eastern and Southern Regional Conference on Microinsurance aimed at sharing insights on inclusive insurance business models and strategies, Rwanda's The New Times reports. National agricultural insurance schemes and weather index insurance pilots will be discussed as tools for making agricultural insurance accessible to smallholder farmers.
Nigeria, Morocco Collaborate On Agricultural Insurance
According to AllAfrica, Nigeria and Morocco have set up a steering committee, comprising representatives of the Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Corporation (NAIC), Bank of Agriculture, the Moroccan Agricultural Insurance Company (MAMDA), and MAMDA RE, to develop a sustainable crop insurance scheme for the countries.
FT: The push for faster aid to developing countries
Oliver Ralph and John Aglionby at the Financial Times wrote in The Big Read about how "insurance will help deliver relief more effectively". The authors cited several disaster risk insurance programs undertaken by development agencies and governments, including Kenya's Livestock Insurance Program.
Asia Needs Innovative Parametric and Index-based Solutions to Close Protection Gap
Asia needs to explore index Insurance and parametric solutions in its efforts to close the region's protection gap, according to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), Reinsurance News reports. “We must put in place mechanisms for the effective assessment, management, and transfer of disaster risks. Advances in technology, innovation, research, and market integration put us in a strong position to address these challenges,” Ravi Menon, MAS Managing Director, was quoted as saying.
Women and Finance: Unlocking New Sources of Economic Growth
In a blog posted on the World Bank Group's Voices, Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, Senior Director in the Finance & Markets Global Practices, wrote that "strengthening women’s role in finance is one of the keys to boosting economic growth." 1.1 billion women worldwide (about 42% of the global female population) remain unbanked or have little access to finance, and this fact poses economic and developmental challenges. Click here to read the blog and more about the new World Bank Group's Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi).
The Rise of Agricultural Index-based Insurance in Africa
Simon Kilgour and Mick McArdle at CMS Law-Now have penned an article suggesting that index insurance is gaining momentum in Africa. The article also discusses pros and cons of the innovative insurance provision.
G20 Countries Should Address Resilience to Warming Planet
In a press release ahead of the G20 summit, Peter Höppe, Chairman of the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) and Head of Geo Risks Research/Corporate Climate Centre at Munich Re said, " It is high time that G20 nations take responsibility to support the most vulnerable countries in their fight against climate change and the increasingly severe impacts of floods, heatwaves and changing weather patterns." "One major milestone would be a climate insurance partnership that helps vulnerable and poor countries and communities better cushion the impacts of extreme climatic events," he added
Africa Re Speaks on Risk Management and the Expected Role of Regional Organisations
The World Bank’s Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) has commended Africa Reinsurance Corporation (Africa Re) for educating over six million people on risk management, Vanguard Reports. In June 2017, GIIF and Africa Re were speaking before the audience at the European Development Days in Brussels. Representatives from AXA, The Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture, and the National Agricultural Insurance Company of Senegal also joined the panel. Listen to the recording here.
AXA to Offer Parametric Insurance in the Philippines
AXA Global Parametrics is looking to offer its parametric insurance product in the Philippines, primarily targeting the local agriculture sector, Busines World Online reports. “In the Philippines, we don’t offer any products yet but we are working...[with] companies, partners to try to sell the product across the Philippines,” AXA Philippines Chief General Insurance Officer Claude Seigne said in the interview.