
GIIF worked with MITADER to conduct an Index Insurance Feasibility Study that consists of a value chain analysis for 4 priority crops (beans, cotton, maize, and cashew nuts). Results from the study where disseminated during a stakeholders workshop in Maputo in August 2018, shedding light on farmers’ willingness and ability to pay for insurance premiums as well as identifying key aggregators through which index insurance products could be distributed in the country. GIIF is providing financial support to Hollard Mozambique to help the firm expand its agricultural insurance business line. As
In 2017, GIIF conducted a feasibility study to evaluate development opportunities for index insurance for producers in four agricultural sectors in Côte d’Ivoire, namely cocoa, cotton, maize, and rice. The study produced a risk mapping for these different crops and highlighted the expected added value of index insurance based on criteria such as the level of exposure to climate risks, the structuration of the value chain, the availability of agrometeorological data, etc. A workshop to present overall findings was organized in Abidjan in January 2018 with close to 50 participants. To implement
In 2016, GIIF conducted a feasibility study that sought to improve the knowledge and understanding of the market opportunity for index insurance and provide a value chain mapping to assess index insurance opportunities in specific sectors: cotton, maize, livestock, and sorghum. In 2017, a complementary study focused on providing a simulation model to estimate the price of potential index products in cotton, maize, and sorghum. In March 2018, GIIF partnered with two insurance companies – ACTIVA Assurances and AXA Cameroun – to implement a risk transfer and capacity-building pilot project which
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), supported by the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) and the Canadian government, has been working with CPMI (CARD Pioneer Microinsurance Inc.) and CARD MRI (the Center for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mutually Reinforcing Institutions) to create an index-based portfolio insurance product to insure the loan portfolios of lending institutions such as microfinance institutions (MFIs). They have also been working to provide advisory services for an indemnity-based crop insurance product to insure crop losses suffered by CARD agri-borrowers
Supported by the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) has been working with PT Reasuransi MAIPARK (national reinsurer of all special risks) to design and retail an index insurance product that protects the lending portfolios of banks from liquidity crises in the aftermath of an earthquake. This is relevant particularly for microfinance institutions (MFIs) and rural banks to be able to continue lending to communities when funds are most needed. Product brochures in English and in Bahasa Indonesia are available.
Smallholder farmers in Zambia are vulnerable to weather-related shocks such as drought, flooding, and irregular rainfall. Insurance can be a good risk management tool for these farmers, but the traditional insurance market largely fails to meet their demand for affordable insurance. Index insurance provides an innovative and more efficient solution for them to protect their crops against losses and encourage investment. In March 2016, the Global Index Insurance Facility signed a capacity building grant with Mayfair Insurance, a private insurer registered in Zambia. The grant enabled them to
Supported by the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) is working with its partner, Green Delta Insurance Company (GDIC), to develop insurance products to address perils such as drought, excess rain, heat waves and cold spells in Bangladesh. This project has been providing technical support to Green Delta for weather data analytics, risk rating, pricing, and product design, and has been engaging with distribution channels in the country since 2015.

52% of the population in Haiti lives in rural areas. However, Haitian agriculture historically remained unprofitable and financial credit to agriculture represents less than 1% of the total loan portfolio of banks. As a consequence, 60% of the food consumed in Haiti is imported. Agricultural production is severely affected by natural catastrophes such as excessive rain, hurricane strength winds, and droughts.

The Insurance Regulatory Authority of Kenya (IRA) requested financial, technical, the human resources assistance from GIIF for a legal and regulatory review as well as some assistance in drafting a new legal and regulatory framework for microinsurance and index-insurance. IRA also expressed an urgent need for assistance in building its technical capacity and the promotion of consumer awareness and insurance understanding.

At the request of the Ministry of Finance of Senegal, a feasibility study was completed in 2009 to assess the potential of index insurance. This study recommended the development of weather-based index insurance for commercial farmers, and suggested a pilot for groundnut farmers in two departments – Nioro and Kaffrine. As a follow-up to these recommendations, CNAAS requested in 2011 financial and technical assistance from the World Bank in order to pilot-test index insurance for groundnut farmers. The objective of the pilot was 1) to test the operational and technical procedures of the weather