Sub-Saharan Africa

The 44th Annual General Assembly of the African Federation of Insurance Companies (FANAF)
The African Federation of Insurance Companies (La Fédération des Sociétés d'Assurances de Droit National Africaines - FANAF) held its 44th Annual General Assembly in Libreville, Gabon, between February 17-20, 2020. This year’s high-level event provided a platform to approx. 1100 participants from (re) insurance companies, regulators, brokers, financial institutions to discuss the development of the sector in the continent in general, and their main challenges in operations, in particular. The event is also recognized internationally and praised for its technical panels on innovation
The African Federation of Insurance Companies (La Fédération des Sociétés d'Assurances de Droit National Africaines - FANAF) held its 44th Annual General Assembly in Libreville, Gabon, between February 17-20, 2020. This year’s high-level event provided a platform to approx. 1100 participants from (re) insurance companies, regulators, brokers, financial institutions to discuss the development of the sector in the continent in general, and their main challenges in operations, in particular. The event is also recognized internationally and praised for its technical panels on innovation
Compensation Ceremony for Cotton Farmers under GIIF Agriculture Insurance Project
On February 4, 2020, GIIF clients AXA Cameroun and ACTIVA Assurances held the first compensation ceremony for insured cotton farmers who experienced production losses during the 2019 cropping season. The event was organized together with the umbrella association of Cameroonian cotton farmers (CNPCC) and SODECOTON, the main cotton company of Cameroon. The event was sponsored by IFC, through the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF). The ceremony was chaired by the Governor of the Northern Region and was marked by an impressive turnout of close to a hundred participants, including staff from
GIIF Program One-pager 2019: Providing Access to Finance to Help Smallholder Farmers, Micro-entrepreneurs and Micro-finance Institutions

The linkage between agriculture and climate change is undeniable. Any change in the climate has significant effects on crop yields and livestock, which intensifies the agriculture sector’s vulnerability to weather and disaster risks. More frequent extreme weather events and natural disasters distress the poor and the vulnerable most heavily and, as a result, agricultural and index-based insurance products have increasingly been regarded as significant tools for smallholder farmers to protect themselves from financial losses. As we know, insurance normally provides valuable access to credit and

GIIF Program Booklet 2019: Providing Access to Finance to Help Smallholder Farmers, Micro-entrepreneurs and Micro-finance Institutions
The linkage between agriculture and climate change is undeniable. Any change in the climate has significant effects on crop yields and livestock, which intensifies the agriculture sector’s vulnerability to weather and disaster risks. More frequent extreme weather events and natural disasters distress the poor and the vulnerable most heavily and, as a result, agricultural and index-based insurance products have increasingly been regarded as significant tools for smallholder farmers to protect themselves from financial losses. As we know, insurance normally provides valuable access to credit and
Senegal: Innovation and Technology

The high transaction costs of serving low-income clients in developing and emerging market economies demand innovative and technological advancements. Challenges that inflate operational costs include data collection, processing and management, premium payment mechanisms as well as claims verification and settlement. Index insurance products, mobile payment devices or more accurate weather and agricultural-yield information based on satellite data are examples of innovative approaches that can help to overcome these challenges.

Roadmap for Integrated Climate Risk Management: Drought Risk in Ghana’s Agricultural Sector
This roadmap is developed from work undertaken on ICRM through the “Promoting Integrated Mechanisms for Climate Risk Management and Transfer” project (“ICRM project”) implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII). In Ghana, the ICRM project is working across three Workstreams within the agriculture sector: (1) sovereign drought risk insurance, (2) building capacities for risk prevention and risk reduction and (3) the development of insurance products for commercial agricultural actors.
Access to the African Risk Capacity Programme
The African Risk Capacity (ARC) is a continental sovereign risk pool and early response mechanism designed to execute pre‐approved contingency. ARC’s mission is to help African Union Member States to protect the food security of their vulnerable populations. As an insurance risk pool, ARC’s objective is to capitalize on the natural diversification of weather risk across Africa, allowing countries to manage their risk as a group in a financially efficient manner in order to respond to probable but uncertain risks.
Developing a Contingency Plan - Drought
The creation of a contingency plan is one of the prerequisites to participate in the African Risk Capacity (ARC) as this pre-planning process ensures that countries are able to deploy ARC funds quickly and efficiently in case of weather shocks.
Promoting Integrated Climate Risk Management and Transfer (ICRM)
The objective of the project is to provide the agriculture market in Ghana with more options to hedge against weather risks resulting from droughts and floods. This includes insurance solutions, sovereign risk transfer solutions (through ARC) as well as agricultural risk prevention and/or reduction measures. Additionally, a roadmap was developed to outline recommended next steps to up-scale and intensify the efforts toward an integrated climate risk management in the agricultural sector.