Sub-Saharan Africa

Nairobi, Kenya, March 8, 2022 – The Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), launched a competition for technology-led enterprises in Africa to offer innovative solutions for agriculture and inclusive insurance and announced 3 top winners: Omishtu-Joy (Ethiopia), Rural Farmers Hub (Nigeria), and AgroTech+ (Kenya). Powered by Sankalp Forum, the Africa AgTech & Inclusive Insurance Challenge aimed to celebrate and support young entrepreneurs who are working at the intersection of agriculture, insurance, climate, and gender to build resilience for rural populations. The Challenge offered an
Roadmap for Integrated Climate Risk Management in Ghana
Natural disasters and their associated damages severely impact people around the world every year. Increases in exposure and vulnerability at a global level, linked to the multiple concurrent trends such as climate change, population growth and globalization of supply chains are making it imperative to find strategies to manage disasters more holistically. Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) is an approach for dealing with the risk and manifestation of natural disasters. It is characterized by a holistic perspective with regards to the various components of risk management. IDRM differs
ASSOCIATION OF KENYA INSURERS AND ASSOCIATION OF KENYA REINSURERS ORGANIZE THE KENYA AGRICULTURE INSURANCE TRAINING SESSIONS From May 10 th to July 29 th, 2021, the Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI) and the Association of Kenyan Reinsurers organized the ‘Kenya Agriculture Insurance Training’: a series of virtual training sessions focused on developing the agriculture underwriting skills of insurers, brokers, claims- and business development staff, analysts, actuaries, and students in agriculture and insurance. Webinars like this are aligned with the main sponsor (AKI)’s mission which seeks
Sifting grain
Mayfair Central Testimonial Weather Index Insurance is a microinsurance product, launched by Mayfair insurance in Zambia in 2014, and that has been helping small-holder farmers mitigate risks posed by climate change. Derick Chanda (Chairperson – Kangomba Camp) expressed that most of the farmers in the district did not have insurance to rely on, and that whenever they faced problems or challenges with their crops, they were not sure about where to go and who to ask for help. Now that insurance companies like Mayfair have presence in their lands, they have been able to discuss the technicalities
Digital Solutions for Youth Agripreneurs
This S4YE Knowledge Brief “Digital Solutions for Youth Agripreneurs” delves into how digital solutions can address four key constraints for youth agripreneurs: 1) access to finance, 2) access to inputs, 3) access to markets, and 4) capacity development. We discuss some digital tools and services which can help address these four constraints, e.g., mobile banking, alternate credit scoring, crowdfunding, real-time pricing, e-Agri extension, precision agriculture. Customization of services (e.g., addressing gender intersectionality, localization) can lead to increased adoption by youth
One billion out of the world’s 1.2 billion youth (age 15-24) live in developing countries. Africa will represent the youngest region in the 21 st century at the time when the western population continues to age and by 2050, one-third of global youth will be in Sub-Saharan Africa. IFAD predicts that Africa’s share of the global rural youth population is expected to rise from 20% to 37% in the next 30 years , and agriculture remains the main source of employment for them in most low and middle-income countries. Of the 25 million young people entering the labor market in the region every year
The climate of Madagascar favors a wide range of agricultural activity, including crop and livestock production, fishery and forestry. In addition, approximately 70 percent of the total land area is arable ( FAO 2016) and the agricultural sector makes a significant contribution to the economy: at least 23 percent of the country’s GDP and 64 percent of total employment can be attributed to the sector ( ILO 2020). Most agricultural production is driven by smallholder farmers, who make up about 70 percent of the farming population ( FAO 2019). However, due its geographical location and the
GIIF in Mozambique: Advancing Agriculture Insurance with Hollard Mozambique
Mozambique is primarily an agricultural economy with more than 75% of the population engaged in rainfall-dependent farming, the majority of whom are smallholder farmers ( USAID, 2018). While agriculture contributes to 25% of the country’s GDP, due to Mozambique’s unique location and geography, it is subject to various climate risks such as drought in the southern part of the country, cyclones in the coastal areas and flooding during the rainy reason ( IGC, 2019). Most of the smallholder producers have been perilously unprotected against climate change-induced crop failures. GIIF’s engagement
While re-emerging from years of conflict and instability, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is still a fragile economy. Despite DRC’s abundant natural resources and a recent growth rate of 5.8 percent in 2018 (after a fifteen-year low at 2.4 percent in 2016) [1], economic and social development remain limited, with widespread poverty. Regarding the insurance industry, the sector has very low penetration compared to regional levels. In addition, certain categories of insurance products, such as agriculture insurance, are not yet available in the country. Although agriculture contributes 20
In May 2020, the World Bank Grroup (WBG) approved a $150 million IDA credit to support Senegal in boosting agricultural productivity and helping build resilient, climate-smart, and competitive food systems while improving the livelihoods of farmers and herders in the extended groundnut basin and agro-pastoral areas. In the country, the WBG’s Agriculture and Livestock Competitiveness Program for Results aims to increase exports of high-value crops such as shelled groundnuts and horticultural products as well as dairy farming productivity and reduce the mortality rate of small ruminants. The