Sub-Saharan Africa

2018 Development Finance Forum: Unlocking Investment Opportunities in the East African Community
GIIF Financial Sector Specialists will attend " 2018 Development Finance Forum: Unlocking Investment Opportunities in the East African Community " in Kigali, Rwanda. This year’s Development Finance Forum (DFF) in Kigali will bring together business leaders, policymakers, thought leaders and financiers from private and public sectors in the EAC and beyond to drill down together on what can be done to start to address some of the biggest challenges to scaling up private investment in housing, agribusiness, and tourism in East African Community (EAC) countries.
Market Development - Ghana
There are two major challenges with respect to agricultural insurance in Ghana: 1. Enrollment: Scaling performance of the agricultural insurance market remains low (very few products). The growth rate of the sector is very slow (36% from 2011–2016). Very poor performances in 2012 and 2013 when overall enrolment dropped by 84% and 86% respectively. These challenges are attributable to the complexity of insurance products, financial illiteracy, and aversion towards new risk management approaches. 2. Claims: The only prominent claim pay-outs were in 2015 where 1,701 farmers received a payment
ZFU Ecofarmer Combo A partnership between Mercy Corps, EcoFarmer (Econet), and the Zimbabwe Farmers Union
The core objective of the project is to develop and rollout mobile based bundled financial and advisory services. This project supports and engages with the public and private partners to develop services that are both economically viable and meet the demands of smallholder farmers in order to provide them with relevant, timely, high-quality information and services which will improve their agricultural productivity and increase their income.
Developing Disaster Risk Management Approaches for Climate Risks
The overall aim of the project is to prepare the ground for implementing risk transfer solutions within an integrated flood risk management approach for municipalities in GAMA, Ghana.
R4 – Rural Resilience Initiative
The core objective of the project is to build the resilience of food-insecure smallholders through an integrated risk management approach which includes weather index insurance, assets creation, credit and savings interventions, and climate services.
Rural Resilience  Enhancement Project  in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
The core objective of the project to contribute to enhancing the resilience for people dwelling in drought prone areas such as southern parts of Oromia region and Somali region through a series of surveys/ studies and implementation of pilot projects.
Piloting Index Based Livestock Insurance in Marsabit
The core objective of the project is to protect households from the economic shocks of livestock mortality due to drought.
Smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa are some of the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and adverse weather events. Weather-based index insurance can help farmers become more resilient by giving them a tool to manage their risk, protect their investment, and maintain their livelihood. But the insurance industry in the region has been slow to develop these products, mostly because they lack the necessary technical skills and capacity; high-level training helps develop these skills to create new and innovative index-based insurance products in the regional market, which in
World Bank Group Approves Additional Funds for Zambia to Strengthen Climate Resilience
The World Bank Group has approved additional $14.6m IDA (loan and grant) financing for the Strengthening Climate Resilience (PPCR Phase II) Project that will help strengthen Zambia’s institutional framework for climate resilience and improve the adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities in the Barotse sub-basin of the Zambezi. The project is also expected to help integrate financial and technical services such as savings, micro-credit, and index insurance into the existing approaches to sustainable agriculture and climate resilience.
From April 17 to 20, the Strategic Alliance on Climate Risk Transfer Solutions facilitated two high-level executive training on index-based livestock insurance in Mombasa, Kenya. The goal was to reflect on the Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP) – a flagship program in agricultural insurance – and define next steps for further improvement and implementation on national and county level. The World Bank and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) are also involved in the Program and the gained knowledge is openly shared for other programs and countries to use. The presentation