Sub-Saharan Africa

French-speaking Workshop on Index Insurance in Senegal
In December 2017, 27 participants from various African Francophone nations attended a regional workshop held in Saly, Senegal, to learn about index insurance fundamentals and risk transfer process as well as to discuss and apply the use of agro-climactic data to the design of index insurance products. The five-day workshop entitled, “Fundamentals of Named Peril Index Insurance Risk Transfer Process,” was sponsored by the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), as part of its capacity-building activities intended to stimulate the development and enhancement of index insurance products in
Weather Index Insurance in Senegal
A new brochure detailing GIIF's involvement with the development of weather index insurance in Senegal is now available for digital viewing. The document contains an overview of GIIF's and stakeholders' actions and tracks the progress of index insurance in the country since its onset in 2009.
GIIF Country Profile: Kenya
A newly designed Global Index Insurance Facility's Country Profile for Kenya is available for digital viewing. The document contains an overview of GIIF's project in Kenya with the partner, ACRE Africa. Read more about this program
Kenyan Herders Have Received Insurance Payouts amid Drought
The World Bank has stated that the Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP), an index insurance that insures vulnerable pastoralists in the northern counties, has so far paid out about 5.3 million U.S dollars to over 20,000 pastoralists, according to a Xinhua report.
Rwanda to Host a Regional Conference on Micro-insurance
Rwanda is hosting the 4th Eastern and Southern Regional Conference on Microinsurance aimed at sharing insights on inclusive insurance business models and strategies, Rwanda's The New Times reports. National agricultural insurance schemes and weather index insurance pilots will be discussed as tools for making agricultural insurance accessible to smallholder farmers.
The Rise of Agricultural Index-based Insurance in Africa
Simon Kilgour and Mick McArdle at CMS Law-Now have penned an article suggesting that index insurance is gaining momentum in Africa. The article also discusses pros and cons of the innovative insurance provision.
"Technology and Insurance: Building Resilient Agriculture" in Africa in Africa Re's African Insurance Magazine
In the latest volume of the African Reinsurer magazine published in June 2017, GIIF Program Manager Fatou Assah discusses how the World Bank is helping African farmers to become more resilient against climate risks through the use of index insurance. The article entitled "Technology and Insurance: Building Resilient Agriculture in Africa", which also interviews AXA's Tanguy Touffut, FINACTU's Denis Chemiller-Gendreau, and African Risk Capacity's Assia Sidibe, examines innovative risk management and insurance, challenges and opportunities in agriculture insurance in the face of climate change.
Thomson Reuters Foundation: As Drought Bites, Livestock Insurance Aids Pastoralists in Ethiopia
Ethiopian pastoralists have received payouts for index-based livestock insurance offered by a local insurance company, Thomson Reuters Foundation reports. In Ethiopia, livestock insurance schemes were initiated by the International Livestock Research Institute, which has been providing technical support for the design and monitoring of the index in the country, the report adds.
Parametric Insurance: Closing the Protection Gap in Africa
Parametric insurance has the potential to serve a significant developmental role in Africa, as it pays out benefits based on a predetermined index for losses resulting from catastrophic events, Clyde & Co's Max Ebrahim and Wynne Lawrence wrote in Commercial Risk Online. In the article, GIIF's collaboration with ACRE Africa, which is serving the populations in Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania, is also cited.
Political Will Needed to Drive Africa's Agricultural Transformation, Debate Hears
At its Annual Meetings in Ahmedabad in May, the African Development Bank (AfDB) identified political will as one of the key ingredients to the continent's agricultural agenda, AllAfrica reports. According to AfDB President, other key strategies the AfDB is proposing are the development of industrial agri-businesses to raise productivity in the sector and ultimately support economic growth. In addition, the region needs to support its young people who are providing weather index insurance and extension services.