Product design

Earthquake Index Insurance
Index insurance is a relatively new but innovative approach to insurance provision that pays out benefits on the basis of a pre determined index (e.g. rainfall level) for loss of assets and investments, primarily working capital, resulting from weather and catastrophic events, without requiring the traditional services of insurance claims assessors. It also allows for the claims settlement processes to be quicker and more objective. Before the start of the insurance period, a statistical index is developed measuring deviations from the normal level of parameters such as rainfall, temperature
G20 Mexico 2012: Agriculture Vice Ministers / Deputies Meeting REPORT
Under Mexico’s G20 Presidency, Vice Ministers/Deputies of Agriculture from the countries of the G20, and invited countries1 (the “G20 Agriculture Group”) met in Mexico City with the aim of articulating goals, focusing efforts and establishing sound commitments to address food security challenges under a global perspective.
Weather Risk and the Viability of Weather Insurance in Western China
This paper presents preliminary results on the possible demand for weather insurance in China. Results from 1,564 farm households from Western and Central China between October 2007 and October 2008 suggest that the greater risk for farmers is drought followed by excessive rain. Heat is less critical as a risk but more significant than cool weather. Results suggest a strong interest in precipitation insurance with 50% and 44% of respondents indicating strong interest in the product. Supplementary results indicate that interest is equal between planting, cultivating, and harvesting. Furthermore results suggest that farmers are willing to adopt new ideas, and where possible already take action to self insure through diversification and other means, The results are encouraging. Examples and discussion of how weather insurance can be implemented is included in the text.
Sustainable crop insurance in response to climate change
Long-term crop insurance is operated across more than 200 million hectares of agricultural land around the world. For more than 35 years, valuable experience has been gathered on this crop insurance system. Munich Re has filtered out the characteristics of the system which are responsible for its longterm success and defined them as a 'best practice' for crop insurance: SystemAgro: The framework is provided by a public private partnership designed on insurance principles. All insurance-related conditions which are important for securing the growing of agricultural crops are governed by laws and regulations. These are, for example: access to insurance, covering the insurance requirement at reasonable premiums or transparency of insurance conditions and claims handling.

52% of the population in Haiti lives in rural areas. However, Haitian agriculture historically remained unprofitable and financial credit to agriculture represents less than 1% of the total loan portfolio of banks. As a consequence, 60% of the food consumed in Haiti is imported. Agricultural production is severely affected by natural catastrophes such as excessive rain, hurricane strength winds, and droughts.

Agriculture in Rwanda accounts for one-third of Rwanda’s GDP; constitutes the main economic activity for rural households (especially women) and remains the main source of income. Today, the agricultural population is estimated to be a little less than 80% of the total population. The sector meets 90% of the national food needs and generates more than 70% of the country’s export revenues. (Source: Rwanda Development Board). Much of the agricultural land is rainfed, with little or no irrigation available. This is exacerbated by the fact that more than 68% of Rwandan land is on hillsides with a slope greater than 16%. The majority of agricultural activities are by non-commercialized smallholder farmers, with minimal investment leading to reduced yields and continued food insecurity. Commercial banks and microfinance institutions are using weather index insurance as a tool to reduce their portfolio at risk when lending to smallholders. This enables rural investment to increase, which in turns provides higher agricultural outputs leading to higher incomes. In addition, weather index insurance provides a safety net against the effects of adverse weather.
Index-based livestock insurance is designed to cater for pastoral communities in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) of Northern Kenya. Currently the project is being implemented in Marsabit Northern Kenya. The target clients are individual pastoralists; both large and small scale. Since the pastoral livestock depend on the pastures as the only source of food, an index -based livestock insurance that monitors the forage availability through satellites and relates this to livestock deaths was picked as the best option. Livestock insurance is critical in drought-prone countries like Kenya. In 2011, Kenya suffered one of the worst droughts in its history which killed up to 30% of the country's livestock in some of the divisions in Northern Kenya. The Government of Kenya (2000) indicates that 60% of Kenya’s livestock are found in the pastoralist land, valued at approximately $6 billion, with an annual milk value of between $67 - $107 million.

Cattle production is a key economic activity in Uruguay, contributing nearly 50% of the value of exports. However beef cattle production is heavily exposed to the effects of weather events. On several occasions, droughts have resulted in livestock loss and reduction in productivity and fertility of surviving cows.

With the amendment of the Insurance act in 2011, the IRA of Uganda has become in charge of the regulation of micro-insurance. One of the main products considered under this business is a microinsurance product for farmers which would enhance their access to credit.