Product design

Using Satellite Data for Index Insurance
Satellite Technology and its continued advancement is critical to the relevance and accuracy of index insurance products as a counter against weather-related risks. The World Bank Group’s Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) in partnership with its regional partners has been working with researchers and scientists to refine satellite technology for index insurance product design.
Launch of Online Knowledge Platform focused on Index-Insurance
The Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), part of the World Bank Group’s Finance and Markets Global Practice, will launch, an online knowledge platform for index-insurance practitioners globally on January 20, 2015. The official launch event will be held in the ACP Secretariat in Brussels, Belgium and will see GIIF’s key donors, including the European Union and The African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) Group, in attendance. The platform features knowledge products, research and discussions on key issues related to the development of innovative index-insurance
Lending Stability to the Farming Structure in Sri Lanka
For eight years, Chandrasiri Vanasunder, a small holderfamerin the Ratnapura district of Sri Lanka, bore the lossescaused by drought and excess-rainfall on his 2-acre teaestate. But all that begun tochange in 2012, when a salesrepresentative from Sanasa told him about ‘index-basedinsurance’ for tea plants. “As soon as I heard about theproduct, I knew that this was a good product. I have sufferedsevere losses in the past, and this seemed like a smart ideato help me prepare for future uncertainty.” Vanasunder’sjudgment proved right, as approximately half -way throughthe last season, he received
Turning the tide on rural poverty requires innovative new products
Fifty-five year old Niyitegeka Veneranda lives in rural Rwanda. She and her husband are parents to seven children and grandparents to five. They farm less than a hectare of their own land, yet she has been able to build a small house, feed her family, and send her last three children to school. She expanded her rice production recently with a loan from a local bank made possible through agricultural insurance, and plans to expand her acreage with another loan next year.
Connected Agriculture: The role of mobile in driving efficiency and sustainability in the food and agriculture value chain
Full Publication Mobile communications can help to meet the challenge of feeding an estimated 9.2 billion people by 2050. The 12 specific opportunities explored in this study could increase agricultural income by around $138 billion across 26 of Vodafone’s markets in 2020. Connected agriculture could also reduce carbon emissions and reduce water consumed in irrigation. This report, co-authored by Accenture, Vodafone and Oxfam, aims to stimulate the necessary engagement between mobile operators, governments, non-profits and businesses to realize these opportunities and explore others.
Pre-Feasibility: Earthquake Risk and Index Based Insurance for Indonesia
Full Publication This pre-feasibility report was prepared for the Ford Foundation by Jason Hartell of GlobalAgRisk, Inc., Ntongi McFadyen of the Livelihoods Department of Save the Children, USA, and Jerry Skees of GlobalAgRisk, Inc., under Ford Grant No. 1100-0121 and IIEF Program No. FF-5H016. GlobalAgRisk is a policy-oriented firm with close ties to the University of Kentucky. Our work is supported by international donors who recognize the importance of markets in transferring natural disaster risk as a means for developing and enhancing access to financial service by the productive poor
GIIF's Senior Technical Specialist shares key lessons from projects in Africa
IFC, SANASA Insurance Contribute to Food Security in Sri Lanka through Weather Insurance
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group through its Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), has entered into a project agreement with SANASA Insurance Company Ltd, to support the development and use of flexible and affordable weather index insurance products to help minimize the impact of crop losses due to floods or droughts on farmer livelihoods. The project objective is to expand access to insurance for food crops such as rice and in turn offer protection for up to 15,000 small-scale farmers against weather-related risks and natural disasters. The project will also raise awareness amongst 50
Syngenta Foundation and IFC’s Global Index Insurance Facility Mark 100,000 Farmer Milestone for African Weather Insurance
Nairobi, Kenya, April 22, 2013—IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, announced that a Kenyan partner of the Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF), a program managed by IFC and jointly implemented with IBRD, reached a major milestone in April 2013 in improving income security for 100,000 farmers by providing them with insurance against adverse weather. The milestone was reached through the work of Kilimo Salama, a social enterprise launched by the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture with the support of GIIF. Started with only 185 farmers in Kenya in 2009, Kilimo Salama allowed