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Credit and Insurance - Manual 4
Agricultural production is inherently subject to a variety of risks because management decisions or states-of-nature often generate future outcomes (either favorable or unfavorable) that cannot be predicted with certainty. The variability of these outcomes represents risk. Risk is frequently measured in terms of the probability of various outcomes. Agricultural producers face a variety of risks including production (yield), output price, and input price risk. Some of these risks are managed through production and fi nancial decision-making, while others are simply accepted as costs of doing
Data and Information Management - Manual 3
Data and information management refers to the development, collection, use, and preservation of data and the methods needed to acquire, control, protect, deliver, and enhance its value to achieve the goals of agricultural insurance programs. Issues related to the collection, development, updating, and quality of data are often overlooked when developing agricultural insurance programs. However, such programs will likely fail without a concise, well-developed plan for data and information management. Data is needed by those who develop, operate, and manage agricultural insurance programs. In
Introduction to Agriculture Insurance and Risk Management – Manual 1
This manual introduces and discusses agricultural insurance and provides tools for the development, management, operation, and maintenance of such programs. Agricultural insurance includes a variety of product types, including property, causality, life, and health insurance. Throughout the manual, the term “agricultural insurance” refers to crop (and in some cases livestock insurance programs.Successful agricultural insurance programs must be thoughtfully constructed before their introduction and tailored to the unique circumstances of individual countries and regions; poorly designed
Scaling up index insurance for smallholder farmers: Recent evidence and insights
This report explores evidence and insights from five case studies that have made significant recentprogress in addressing the challenge of insuring poor smallholder farmers and pastoralists in thedeveloping world. In India, national index insurance programmes have reached over 30 million farmersthrough a mandatory link with agricultural credit and strong government support. In East Africa (Kenya,Rwanda and Tanzania), the Agriculture and Climate Risk Enterprise (ACRE) has recently scaled to reachnearly 200,000 farmers, bundling index insurance with agricultural credit and farm inputs. ACRE
 Partner Profile - MicroEnsure
Agriculture in Rwanda accounts for one-third of Rwanda’s GDP; constitutes the main economic activity for rural households (especially women) and remains the main source of income. Today, the agricultural population is estimated to be a little less than 80% of the total population. The sector meets 90% of the national food needs and generates more than 70% of the country’s export revenues. (Source: Rwanda Development Board). Much of the agricultural land is rain-fed, with little or no irrigation available. This is exacerbated by the fact that more than 68% of Rwandan land is on hillsides with a
Climate Risk Forum 2014
Held as part of the New York City Climate Week, Climate Risk Forum 2014 is organized jointly by the World Bank Group's Global Index Insurance Facility and International Research Institute for Climate and Society. The event focuses on: Index insurance as a tool for Climate Risk Management; sc aling up index insurance and boosting private sector participation; and l ocal implementation and impact evaluation. View event highlights here.
Feasibility study for crop and livestock index-insurance - Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a lower middle income country located in the Asian-Pacific region. Agriculture is the predominant source of livelihood in the country, with the agricultural sector accounting for 67% of the total labor force and 35% of the GDP in 2010. PNG has a very high exposure to earthquake, tsunami and volcanoes as well as being affected by climatic perils including tropical cyclones and the influence of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle which brings with it extremes of drought and excess rain and flooding. The Government of PNG identifies that agriculture has and
Feasibility study for macro and meso-level index insurance - Jamaica
Jamaica faces a variety of natural hazards and, on a combined-hazard basis, is among the most vulnerable countries in the world . It lies in the center of the Atlantic hurricane belt, on a complex area of the northern Caribbean Plate margin, and is subject to tropical rainfall and erosion processes. Agriculture in Jamaica is vulnerable to various risks ranging from extreme winds, extreme rain and droughts . However, a large part of the agricultural sector, including large integrated supply chains as well as small farmers, is absorbing all the climate risks, without any risk out-transfer
Feasibility study for macro and meso-level index insurance - Dominican Republic
The recent path of Tropical Storm Isaac in September 2012 caused the destruction of plantain fields in the South Region. This situation forced the national authorities to provide in-kind assistance (i.e. planting materials, fertilizers, cleaning labor, land preparation) to the most affected farmers. Although some private insurers provide agriculture insurance, the Ministry of Agriculture does not have a pre-defined budget to tackle the negative effects caused by events in the agricultural sector while it faces significant contingent liabilities in this sector. The Ministry of Agriculture of
Feasibility study for cotton and livestock index insurance - Argentina
Argentina’s agriculture sector is very vulnerable to weather risks. For instance, cotton in the Chaco Province - the most important cotton producing area in Argentina and the third poorest province - is very exposed to drought, excess rainfall and pests. Similarly, cattle-rearing in South West Buenos Aires Province is very exposed to droughts which impact severely on pasture production. In 2011, the Government of Argentina through the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAGyP), requested the World Bank to conduct a feasibility study for the development of a suitable index-based