Weather index

ILRI's successfully implments story index-based insurance for livestock in Kenya
GIIF's Senior Technical Specialist shares key lessons from projects in Africa
Automated Weather Stations Drive Groundbreaking Low-cost Micro-insurance Plan for Rwanda’s Farmers
As Rwandan farmers face increasingly erratic rainfall, an innovative program launched today will use automated weather stations to offer 20,000 farmers in the Southern and Western provinces of Rwanda low-cost insurance to protect their loans for high-yielding seeds, fertilizers, and other farm inputs.
World Bank Group Convenes Developing Countries Seeking Improved Agribusiness Trade
MANILA, Philippines, October 23, 2014—The World Bank group this week brought together trade and agriculture officials from Africa, Asia, and Latin America with experts and private sector representatives for an international dialogue on how to overcome key trade barriers along agribusiness supply chains. The peer-to-peer learning event, titled “Leveraging Opportunities for Agri-Food Agencies in the Post Bali Era” and held in Manila October 22 and 23, aimed to help developing countries build efficient trade logistics systems and services that facilitate agribusiness trade while ensuring food
PlaNet Guarantee and GIIF to launch first regional management platform for index insurance
PlaNet Guarantee, member of the PlaNet Finance Group, and the GIIF come together to launch the first regional management platform for index insurance. The objective is to cover 60 000 farmers in West Africa by 2015. While agriculture remains the main economic sector in West Africa (on average 30% of the GDP of countries in the region and 70% of the workforce), no risk management tool is offered to farmers to secure their income. In case of drought, floods, or due to other factors that could cause a significant drop in yields, farmers currently receive no form of protection. The traditional
Weather Index Insurance
The weather is unreliable. It impacts agricultural production in many ways. Poor yields and crop damage due to adverse weather can lead to lower revenues for farmers. This can lead to difficulty in paying back loans and meeting household expenses. Weather Index Insurance is a new tool for farmers to protect themselves and their lenders against the financial impact of bad weather.
Weathering the Risks: Scalable Weather Index Insurance in East Africa
Having enough food in East Africa depends largely on the productivity of smallholder farms, which in turn depends on farmers’ ability to invest in their farms. Weather insurance can encourage farmers to make these critical investments by improving their access to credit. The Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF)—an IFC/IBRD collaboration housed under IFC’s Access to Finance’s Global Retail/Microfinance Cluster—is an innovative program that is expanding access to insurance against weather risks and natural disasters to farmers, livestock herders, and others, particularly in Africa and the

The Syngenta Foundation’s Kilimo Salama weather index insurance program has taken off in Kenya and has recently expanded to Rwanda and Tanzania. Beginning in 2009 with a pilot project offering index insurance to 200 farmers, at last count 51,000 farmers in Kenya and 14,000 farmers in Rwanda have the insurance. In 2011, Kilimo Salama’s partner UAP Insurance collected KSh 19 million in premium payments, and premium revenue has nearly doubled to KSh 33 million in just the first six months of 2012. These premium volumes are approaching levels than can make index insurance economically sustainable