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Bénin " L’assurance pour le champ, on se demande si c’est une vérité. Maintenant, c’est une réalité pour moi!” Premières indemnisations dans le cadre du projet GIIF d’assurance indicielle pour les producteurs de maïs du Benin “L’assurance pour le champ, on se demande si c’est une vérité. Maintenant, c’est une réalité pour moi!” . C’est avec grand enthousiasme que Bessekourou Issiaka, producteur de maïs de 38 ans du Nord du Benin, a reçu ses premières indemnisations sur sa police d’assurance indicielle. A cause de la faible pluviométrie de cette année, les rendements de certaines de ses
“ I did not believe in crop insurance before, but now it is a reality for me”! It is with great enthusiasm that 38-year old maize farmer Bessekourou Issiaka from Northern Benin received the first payout on his weather insurance policy. Because of the lack of rain this season, some of his maize fields generated less than half of their usual yield, or 800 kg/ha instead of the usual 2000 kg/ha. He is therefore quite relieved to receive FCFA 90,000, about 180 dollar insurance payout which will help him repay the loan he took to purchase inputs for the maize production. Bessekourou Issiaka is one
This map was created using data on rural loans. The GIS analysis shows where the density of loan amounts is higher (as opposed to where there are more individual loans). It is meant to highlight where the larger loans are concentrated. Notice that there are areas with many individual loans and low amount density. The methodology used to draw the map is as follows: The banks provided portfolio data with x/y coordinates in WGS84 format, which where projected and added to a basemap. Using the “point density” geographic analysis under the spatial analyst in ArcGIS 10.3, we derived a density of