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The first part of the webinar session was a launch of the joint Geneva Association and Insurance Development Forum (iDF) paper titled " Insurance development in Emerging Markets: The role of public policy and regulation" introduced by Dennis Noordhoek (Director of Public Policy & Regulation at the Geneva Association). On the objectives of the paper Mr. Dennis Noordhoek began by noting that over the past ten years, the economies of many emerging markets have grown significantly, and during those periods insurance market in these countries has also experienced growth. Despite this growth
Well-designed insurance programs can help to improve farmers’ resilience, access to finance, and high-quality inputs. To this end, IFC and Zimbabwe's insurance regulator, the Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC), issued a press release highlighting their collaboration to create a market for agricultural insurance products in Zimbabwe. The goal is to protect smallholder farmers against weather-related crop damage and other shocks. Through this project, the team will assess the risks faced by smallholder farmers, and their coping mechanisms, and also evaluate the farmers' appetite for
In August 2020, the GIIF team commissioned a study by the Wageningen University and Research (WuR) to generate lessons learned in perception, adoption, and understanding of agriculture index insurance by firms and smallholders in Kenya, Senegal, and Zambia. The study was recently concluded. A review of the portfolios and experiences among three companies – ACRE Africa (Kenya), Compagnie Nationale d’Assurance Agricole du Sénégal ( CNAAS), and Mayfair Zambia – reveals successes, opportunities and challenges yet to be overcome in mainstream agriculture index insurance (AII) among farmers across